Friday, October 28, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday

1. The best part of October was turning off the AC and not turning on the heat. Opening windows and airing out this smelly house. Woo hoo! I love hearing the birds, I love feeling the breeze.
2. The worst part of October was my hero being gone for two weeks. Which meant he missed Hope’s 9th birthday and his 40th birthday. That is so not fair!
3. For Halloween, I’ll be hiding out in my life. Wishing the holiday did not exist. Wishing that people would not make it so scary.
4. I hope that in November bring really cold weather because I am not ready for it. I do not want to turn on the heat and bundle the kids up to play outside!
I love fill in the blank Friday and meeting other military wives. If you would like to join us head over to Wife of a Sailor.


Lisa Walters said...

My hubby is coming home today after being gone for 2 weeks and his birthday was while he was gone too. Sigh.

Jamie@HandlingWithGrace said...

You're right.  It was so nice to have some fresh air throughout the house this month.  Have a great weekend!

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