This week I was out of the house for three nights. It did not seem like a big deal until the second night when a precious three year old woke up crying for me. My hero assured him I was in bed and then brought him to me. He just hugged and snuggled me. As soon as I promised him I would be here in the morning he calmed right down and went back to sleep. I feel so bad for leaving him.
My good friend’s husband leaves this week for a deployment. It is breaking my heart for them. Sometimes it is hard to support the Army. I want him home with his family.
We are taking Dave Ramsey’s financial peace. I love it; it is harder than I thought. I need to get real with it.
We had family pictures taken a few weeks ago. I will share them with you soon. But this picture cracks me up because during one of the pictures Hope found a bug and all was lost. The rest of the session was spent finding bugs and if you look closely you will see she was holding a bug.
My girls are having a hard time keeping there room cleaned. Part of it is three girls one room. I need HELP! It is taking alot of guts to share these pictures of a not perfectly clean room. I need some help. How would you arrange the room. It is a huge (well big) room. It was a bonus room. So how would you decorate. I have a 5, 8 and 11 year old girl in there.
Miscellany Monday is sponsored by Lowercase Letters.
(stopping over from lowercase letters)
i've been hitting up Pinterest for some great decorating tips...i just saw a room decorated for 4 kids.....i don't have the link...but search around....might be helpful!!!
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