Friday, April 27, 2012
The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week…I got the house fairly straightened up and feel like I can relax a little this weekend. Well maybe.
In our homeschool this week…we discussed how much of a summer vacation we would take and what our goals are.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…do not take credit cards to a homeschool conference if it is your first. It is over whelming and everything looks like something fun to try.
I am inspired by…by my friend Lynne who is working hard with me to change our lives and she encourages me daily for the last 2 months to get it right.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…this week we went to Monkey Joe’s. Monkey Joe’s is an indoor bounce house. I was worried about rather I would be able to keep up with all the kids but I did great and they did great and I left feeling more confident
My favorite thing this week was…finally getting a new garage door. So excited to be able to use that side of the garage again.
What’s working/not working for us…started spelling power again this week and it is working.
Questions/thoughts I have…how do you keep ticks from biting you.
Things I’m working on…making a walk though sprinkler system and a tether ball set. Actually my son is for a Boy Scout project.
I’m reading…a Nicholas sparks book but have not really gotten into it.
I’m cooking…a birthday cake because a special boy has a birthday this week.
I’m grateful for…my vets office because they listen to me and help me and are so compassionate about my worries
I’m praying for…a relationship that got hurt this week and what my part in it was and what my next step should be.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

5 Question Friday
1. Do you make your kids finish all the food on their plates? No way, I do expect them to try a couple of bites if I think it is something they will like. I do say nothing else unless you eat your food but never make them finish their plate. I want them to learn to stop when they feel full. Something I still struggle with today. It is hard sometimes because I know 20 minutes after they eat they are going to be hungry again.
2. Do you give an allowance? Oh yes, I pay them a lot. I pay for food and clothes and a house. Seriously, I do not believe in it. I do offer money for extra chores. For example maybe I need flower beds raked out or sometimes I will pay my son to mow the grass. I can always find extra chores if they want money. I also may pay them when they do something without being asked.
3. Do you actually park your car in the garage? Sadly we do not. We even have a double garage and do not. One side is full of exercise gear and storage boxes and bikes and the other side is full of tools and the 6 foot coat rack my husband built me. Plus we have a deep freezer and a fridge/freezer and let’s not forget about my food storage.
4. What is one food you will NEVER cook? Oysters because well ooh, I will probably never learn to BBQ although we have a great grill and I love grilled food.
5. Do you have anything exciting planned for the summer? Me personally, NO. But my kids do. My son is going to two Boy Scout camps and to church camps. My older girls are going to their first church camp twice. We are also going to go away as a family for Memorial Day. I am excited to get away even for the weekend.

Thursday, April 26, 2012
There You Go Again
I had seen this video on another blog and cried all the way through it. So when I recieved the e-mail asking if I would show you this video I could not say YES fast enough. Listen to the words, think about the words. What an amazing talent she has. Not only does she have a amazing voice but she has a amazing heart. She is donating HALF (not a percentage but HALF) her profits to the Fisher House Foundation. Her story made national news and you can hear about it here on MSNBC.
Feeling Beachie
1. I never _put away laundry__ when I __pull it out of the dryer, I know crazy but since I guess since I never iron it does not matter.
2. I used to _drink mountain dew but I stopped two months ago but I stopped
3. My favorite picture of all time is of _my daddy holding my son. My dad and I only had a relationship the last several years of his life and I wish all my kids had pictures with my daddy. ______________
4. When it gets dark I think about __my husband and how we are still under the same moon. I wonder what he is doing and how he is doing. Okay, first I think about how fast I can get the kids in bed and then rather I will let the dog sleep with me or in her kennel. _____________

New Year's Eve give away
I am curious did you make a New Years Resolution? Do you follow through with your resolutions when you make them. This movies looks comical to me. So for you I am giving away a copy of New Year's Eve. Entering is very easy. Just leave me a comment (or ten) telling me what New Year's Resolutions you have made and if you kept them. This give away will end May 5th.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I try to be a very grateful person. I am so Grateful for friends this week. This week my daughters ran a 5k. When we signed up for the team I had no idea they would need someone to run with each of them. So what do I do? I of course put on facebook that I need help and two friends jumped up to help. I cannot believe they gave up there Saturday morning for my girls. They showed up at 7 AM with smiles on their face. Each girl returned from the race excited about what she had accomplished and telling stories of what there buddy did or said.
This week I am grateful for a church that lets me cook for them occasionally. I love cooking for large groups. I am not the best cook by far so it is not always something super yummy or special.
This week I am grateful for my children who keep me smiling, who keep me stressed, who keep me on my toes. I love watching them grow and learn and push the boundaries.
Every week I am grateful for my hero
Are you grateful on this Tuesday? If so how about linking up at Heavenly Homemakers.
Letters to my Hero
Dear Hero,
Good morning, I love you. I miss you terribly. Some days it is just hard. Last night I took Michael on post for youth. Did I tell you Michael is going to youth now? Jason saw soldiers and asked if that is where you live? I wanted to cry for him. It is just not fair. Michael was so sweet and explained that you would be home in ……. Then we went to the PX and bought cards for you and a couple of other things and he would not let go of the cards. He said maybe this will make daddy happy. Again broke my heart and again I explained that you were very happy and love him. He loves you so much. I am so glad you talk to him all the time. He needs it. I cannot wait until you are home and he knows you are back safe and sound.
Oh I forgot to tell you that they called yesterday and said they are coming Thursday morning to fix the garage door. She did not say anything about payment so I assume we are not paying for it.
I cannot believe it is almost May. May, June and July is going to be the craziest time of my life.
Hope wants to say hi:
Dad, I love you and miss you. I learned a new word and it is back. Mommy is giving me new spelling words every day now to see how I do it. My run was fun, even if you loss you got a medal. My medal has a yellow necklace. And I miss you. When you come home you do not have to fix my guinea pig cage because I fixed it. Want to know a story daddy. It is a great story. Once upon a time there was a mom and a dad and they gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Michael. Then they gave birth too many more kids. Hope
Okay, I guess I better get the kids up and going so. It is cold in the house this morning and everyone is still snuggled in bed.
I love you, Pamela
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Homeschooling Mothers Journal
In my life this week… I have lost my new camera’s charging cord and I could scream, I do not normally lose things. I am taking my son to buy new clothes. He has lost weight and his pants are falling off of him. He is just thinning out not trying to lose weight.
In our homeschool this week… we have stayed on task for the most part. I need to kick it in gear and plan how we will finish this year. We normally do not take a summer vacation but we are talking off June because we are traveling a lot. I would really like to not have to finish the year in July and be able to start fresh.
Questions/thoughts I have… I love Bob Jones, love it. But I am looking into ways to teach my two youngest together. I think he is ready to do more and it would help me to not have 5 different grades going on. HELP, how do you teach multiple ages the same thing.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

5 Question Friday
1. Groceries are high right now what is easiest way you have found to cut back? We have cut back on snacks, cut back on trips to the store, tried to be prepared and know what I am having cooking so we are less likely to stop and eat out.
2. What are the top 3 things on your "bucket list"? to get re married. I did not take my vows seriously and had them take out the obey part. My hero has never proposed.
3. Would you rather give up AC or heat?
Heat, I can stay under covers with a book but to be hot is bad. Actually I guess it depends. I cannot stand to be outside in the cold, you know the bitter cold.
4. What's your favorite cocktail?? I have never had one. I have often wanted one but never found an alcoholic drink that does not taste like alcohol. Another part of me knows if I am smart I will never find a drink. But I will write about that later.
5. What was your first job & how old were you? I worked in a drug store. I loved it. As silly as it sounds I often say I would enjoy working stock at wal-mart. Something about getting a job done would encourage me. I did start babysitting when I was 12; I had a 4month old and a 4 year old. I still talk to them and love them like they are my own.

Thursday, April 19, 2012
Feeling Beachie
1. I always forget_my husband is deployed and want to pick up a phone and call him.__
2. I never go to the store__without_a list because I know I will forget what I walked in for. __
3. Recently I started to _lose weight____, and it has helped tremendously!
4. If I had to find a date, the last place I would look for one is _in my own house, he would be a few days late______.

Ultimate blog party
I love when I get to re introduce myself to people. It is like a fresh start. Let me start by saying that I was born in WV and while I do not consider it home I do enjoy going back to see family. I have six blessings in my house from ages 1-15. I enjoy sewing but seriously can only do straight lines. I have made one dress and which I could stretch it so she could still wear it.
I love to cook and bake. I am not someone to come up with recipes on my own. I love to try different recipes even using foods I do not like. I love cooking for other people.
I have been a homeschool mom for 9 years. WOW 9 years, I can hardly believe it. I strictly use Bob Jones University with my children but am looking into a couple other things for next year for the younger ones. If you have suggestions let me know.
I love to blog but sadly do not give it the attention I should. I have list and list of things I want to write about. It is making the time to do it. I feel like my blog is my personal journal. I like to blog about having a preemie, being a mom, being a Christian, how I survive deployments, what we are doing in school and how I am feeling. I sometimes write about PTSD.
I love to scrapbook and make cards but sadly we have lived in this house for 2 years and I have not pulled them out once.
I have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 17 years. He has been in the Army for 19 years. We have survived 7.5 deployments as in we am in my eighth deployment now.
I love my God, I love talking about God, I love singing about God. And most importantly I love hearing my children tell me about God.
You can find me on facebook here. I am on twitter here. And of course I am on Pinterest here.

Sunday, April 15, 2012
This week I took the kids swimming. I wish I could go more often. The pool is indoors with a zero depth entry. I refuse to go unless I have help with the little kids. I walked laps while the big kids played. At one point I saw Grace holding her little skirt up in the air and it made me nervous. I am telling you finding a decent swimsuit for my little girls can become a full time job.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Kimochis review
Kimochis means feelings in Japenese. We received two, Lovey dove and Huggtopus. Each animal comes with little circle friends. They have a face on one side and a word on the opposite side. For example you may have an angry face and on the backside it says angry. This is an awesome way to teach little ones to express their feelings. We have had our animals for a month and they are still in beautiful shape which lets me know they are well put together.
Thank you Kimochis for giving my children a product that helps them explain how they feel.
Jason was the first to play with it and of course he had to play with flatdaddy.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
5 Question Friday
1. Who mows your grass? I currently do. I enjoy mowing the grass. I turn on my praise music and get moving. I do not love it so much in the hot part of summer but I love it this time of year.
2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us! <--- my addition to the question)? I have pictures all over my house. This is a picture of my favorite clock. I need to do a current picture now that it is full of pictures.

3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!) Marriage in the making, Financial Peace.
4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year? Mine are not terrible but my poor son has a horrible time with them.
5. What's your go to meal to cook in a hurry? Chicken alfredo or grilled cheese. I have a new love of grilled cheese.

2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us! <--- my addition to the question)? I have pictures all over my house. This is a picture of my favorite clock. I need to do a current picture now that it is full of pictures.
3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!) Marriage in the making, Financial Peace.
4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year? Mine are not terrible but my poor son has a horrible time with them.
5. What's your go to meal to cook in a hurry? Chicken alfredo or grilled cheese. I have a new love of grilled cheese.

Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1. When I am _lonely_ I always _take a moment to write my hero a love letter. __
2. _8pm__ is my _saving grace_ of _the day.__
3. The __first thing I do in ____ the _morning is check to see if my hero has e-mailed me. ___
4. If only I _had more patience______ then __would get more done during the day____ and everyone would be _calmer and more satisfied with life.

1. When I am _lonely_ I always _take a moment to write my hero a love letter. __
2. _8pm__ is my _saving grace_ of _the day.__
3. The __first thing I do in ____ the _morning is check to see if my hero has e-mailed me. ___
4. If only I _had more patience______ then __would get more done during the day____ and everyone would be _calmer and more satisfied with life.

Morning Devotions
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Wonderful Wednesday
I was going to do a wordless Wednesday post but we all know I cannot keep my mouth shut. All of my kids have this love of climbing trees. Michael put Grace in the tree. She loved it until she realized how high she was. Then it was a game of who could get Michael out of the tree. Cracked me up.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easy Phonics
Have you heard of Easy Phonics? I won a license a few weeks ago. My daughter was thrilled. This is a wonderful fun online game. Her favorite thing is the microphone and how it repeats everything back to you. The little figure is called Fonty. Is that not super adorable? Fonty, I love it. I love that my daughter gets to hear what she says. I love that this is something she can do on her own.
I was not paid to tell you how much fun Easy Phonics is or how educational it is. I did ask if I could blog about it and they said yes. But not only did they say yes but they said they would help anyone out who wanted to try it. They are offering you a special discount. If you order in the next 3 days (April 10, 11 and 12th) you will receive 25% off your cost, if you order the 13th-17th you will receive 10% off. I am so excited to see what you think about this program. To receive the discount use coupon code TroopPetrie042012.
One more thing, at the beginning your child will take a diagnostic test and it will tell you rather it is right for your child. How amazing that they are not going to have you purchase something you cannot use.
Thank you Easy-Phonics for making my homeschool day go a little smoother.
I was not paid to tell you how much fun Easy Phonics is or how educational it is. I did ask if I could blog about it and they said yes. But not only did they say yes but they said they would help anyone out who wanted to try it. They are offering you a special discount. If you order in the next 3 days (April 10, 11 and 12th) you will receive 25% off your cost, if you order the 13th-17th you will receive 10% off. I am so excited to see what you think about this program. To receive the discount use coupon code TroopPetrie042012.
One more thing, at the beginning your child will take a diagnostic test and it will tell you rather it is right for your child. How amazing that they are not going to have you purchase something you cannot use.
Thank you Easy-Phonics for making my homeschool day go a little smoother.
Miscellany Monday
This week we have gone from ice skating to
to play with our puppy who is getting HUGE, the kids think she will be as big as Clifford the Big Red Dog
I hope not, although I am amazed at how well she did after getting fixed (what is it called for female dogs. Nothing external. She acted like nothing happened at all.
lowercase letters" src="http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/ElvishAuthoress/MMbutton3.png"
Military Monday
Good morning fellow military spouses! How is your week going? Is your spouse home right now? My hero is currently in Afghanistan (hi honey). We are stationed in NC right now but hope to move this winter. WE have six children from ages 1-15. My hero has been in the Army for 19 years.
Now it is your turn, tell me about yourself. What has been your favorite duty station?
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Envelope System
A few months ago we started using Dave Ramsey's envelope system. It has really changed how we think about our money. The only problem I had was that the envelope system is not very pretty. Goodnight moon helped me with that problem. Look at this amazing envelope system she made me. I love pulling this out of my purse. I love the colors, I love the way it is put together. She had never made a envelope system before. She listened to what I wanted and just ran with it. And no she did not pay me in any way to say this. I really feel like if someone does something right you need to know about it.
In the next couple of weeks I am hoping to tell you how the envelope system has helped my family.
Friday, April 6, 2012
The ice cream truck
Did you grow up buying ice cream from a ice cream truck? I remember they use to have soft serve ice cream. I am not normally one to waste money on things like ice cream from the ice cream truck when I know I could buy double at the store.
For whatever reason when the kids came screaming about the ice cream truck I said yes. I let the kids all chose what they wanted and we still only paid $6.50. Not bad and maybe I will be the nice mom and do it again. I am sure now that he knows this house has a bunch of children he will be back.
Do you let your kids buy ice cream from the ice cream truck and if so what are there favorite kinds?
Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week…no one has been sick; the house is getting back to normal. I am thinking of summer plans.
In our homeschool this week…I started thinking how I will have a fresh kindergartener. I am so excited and nervous to officially add another blessing to our classroom.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…Strawberry picking. We were going to go this morning but it is raining.
My favorite thing this week was…taking my children swimming. It was so much fun to just set and play with them.
What’s working/not working for us…getting up early again is working. The goal is always 7am but for the last couple of months I have let them sleep in until they wake up closer to 8 because I am enjoying the quiet. The little ones get up before 7 so there is no reason to not have everyone up.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Things I’m working on…puppy training, we had our first puppy class last night.
I’m reading… nothing this week
I’m cooking…Sugar cookies, I got boxes of sugar cookie mix for 39 cents. So I bought 20. I am excited
I’m grateful for…friends who help me when I need it, friends who
I’m praying for…my children. Honestly this week we had several (okay 3) things that my children lied about. It not only shocked me but saddened me.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
In our homeschool this week…I started thinking how I will have a fresh kindergartener. I am so excited and nervous to officially add another blessing to our classroom.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…Strawberry picking. We were going to go this morning but it is raining.
My favorite thing this week was…taking my children swimming. It was so much fun to just set and play with them.
What’s working/not working for us…getting up early again is working. The goal is always 7am but for the last couple of months I have let them sleep in until they wake up closer to 8 because I am enjoying the quiet. The little ones get up before 7 so there is no reason to not have everyone up.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Things I’m working on…puppy training, we had our first puppy class last night.
I’m reading… nothing this week
I’m cooking…Sugar cookies, I got boxes of sugar cookie mix for 39 cents. So I bought 20. I am excited
I’m grateful for…friends who help me when I need it, friends who
I’m praying for…my children. Honestly this week we had several (okay 3) things that my children lied about. It not only shocked me but saddened me.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
5 Question Friday
1. Would you prefer having people over for dinner or going to their house? I LOVE having people over. I love entertaining. I relax and enjoy it. I have a hard time relaxing at other peoples home. It is hard to find another family with a gaggle of kids that are all around the same age.
2. Favorite Bible verse and why? Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'
3. What was the first concert you ever attended, and the most recent one? I think it was Garth Brookes and honestly I have not been to one since. WAIT, I have been to a Chonda Pierce concert and loved it. I could see her a million times over.
4. The year is 2025. What are you doing, and what have you done? Okay so 13 years from now. My hero is probably out of the Army (weird thought). I still have a 15 year old at home. The age of my oldest now. I could even be a grandmother. WOW a grandmother. Unless we are blessed with more babies I would only be homeschooling one child.
5. What's your favorite Easter treat? Cadbury Chocolate eggs, not the big eggs. The ones that come in the little purple bags. My other favorite thing is a peanut butter egg. YUMMY!

2. Favorite Bible verse and why? Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'
3. What was the first concert you ever attended, and the most recent one? I think it was Garth Brookes and honestly I have not been to one since. WAIT, I have been to a Chonda Pierce concert and loved it. I could see her a million times over.
4. The year is 2025. What are you doing, and what have you done? Okay so 13 years from now. My hero is probably out of the Army (weird thought). I still have a 15 year old at home. The age of my oldest now. I could even be a grandmother. WOW a grandmother. Unless we are blessed with more babies I would only be homeschooling one child.
5. What's your favorite Easter treat? Cadbury Chocolate eggs, not the big eggs. The ones that come in the little purple bags. My other favorite thing is a peanut butter egg. YUMMY!

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Mil-Spouse Fill in
1. What’s one thing in the past month you would have changed? HMM, the fact that my hero is not home every night. That we did not have the stomach bug go through our home.
2. What was your favorite thing that happened in March? My sons boyscout troop came to my home to do a service project. They did a ton of yard work for us.
3. Check your phone… who was the last person you called and what is your favorite thing about them? I called my friend Lindsie, to tell her that we passed our first puppy class. I did not think we would.
4. If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why? Purple, doesn’t purple mean peace. Calm, pretty.
5. What are you looking forward to in April? More puppy classes, feeling more confident with my puppy. April being over so I am a month closer to my hero coming home.
2. What was your favorite thing that happened in March? My sons boyscout troop came to my home to do a service project. They did a ton of yard work for us.
3. Check your phone… who was the last person you called and what is your favorite thing about them? I called my friend Lindsie, to tell her that we passed our first puppy class. I did not think we would.
4. If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why? Purple, doesn’t purple mean peace. Calm, pretty.
5. What are you looking forward to in April? More puppy classes, feeling more confident with my puppy. April being over so I am a month closer to my hero coming home.

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