5 days until the movers knock on the door. First my e-mail has changed. It is now pam.petrie@us.army.mil Today I said good bye to the little girl I babysitt. I kept her big sister from the first day her mom went back to work until the day before my water broke with Grace. Now I have had the pleasure of keeping her baby sister. I love these girls but for some reason this little girl has really touched my heart. Why is it so much harder to say good bye to kids. I guess because I know a year from now she will not remember me. I love the way when she sees my kids she gets excited and yells there name. On Monday at 1pm the housing office does a pre inspection to tell us wha else we need to do to clean housing. Then at 2pm the movers come to do a walk through to decide how many movers will come and what size boxes they come. Have I told you they even put our mattreses in boxes. Yesturday we hit the house hard. Rob and I spent probably 6 hours cleaning the kitchen. I need to finish doing dishes. No I did not have 6 hours of dishes but someone (no one is admitting it) turned the hot water heater down for the
I cleaned up and re organized all the school books in the livingroom. Re straighted up the livingroom a hundred times, took Christmas pictures off the wall. It you send me a Christmas picture it is likely that it has hung on my wall for the last year, I love looking at them. Rob vacummed under the furniture. I got all the laundry folded and put away (except hanging stuff). I want to finish up laundry today and take our laundry sorter apart.
I cleaned up my room. Put away all my laundry, went through my dresser and pulled out 2 trash bags of stuff. I even decided to get rid of my nursing bras. The only thing left today is for Rob needs to clean off his dressers. Yes, he has 2 dressers and I have one. The kids got there rooms cleaned even under the beds.
Rob spent 6 hours cleaning out the garage on Thursday.
Today my goal is to clean my bathroom, you know like organize the hairbows and bandaids. Rob is going to work on really cleaning bathrooms and the office. I also want to go through the girls pajama drawers. I do not know why we have 4 pajama drawers when they wear daddy shirts 99% of the time. Okay I guess I better get to work if I want to be done.