The other day my 4 year old did not say the B word. We were watching a movie about dogs and it said something like how many bitches do you have (I cannot remember where it was produced at). She said oh we have one bitch. I could not believe she knew the word. I am not living in fear that she will repeat this word when we are out. At church yesterday this man did not say “where are you from” I said WV and ask if I had a accent. He then did not say “no, you are just never dressed”. I did not laugh out loud. What he meant was I always wear short sleeves and rarely wear a coat. Of course he would not need to ask me this because I am always dressed for the weather. Speaking of church I did not tell my kids that yesterday was our last time at that church and since it was a special day and we did not have Sunday school I did not make a point of NOT telling anyone it was our last week.
As we are saying good byes I have not been totally stoked that friends and people I do not know well have said they read my blog. I never let my pride guide me. Thanks to all of you. Is there something specific you would like to hear me talk about? I am open for suggestions.
Since we are organizing and getting ready to move I did not feed my youngest countless m&m’s to motivate them to clean daily. I do not have 2 more bags to continue to do so.
Ooooh my this one got me in big trouble this week. The tax office did not tell my husband that we would receive a $250 credit for homeschooling. Because I was so excited I did not facebook about such a wonderful thing to only be put in place by several people. Some nice, some well almost had me in tears. I did not then have to take time I do not have to go have them re do my taxes.
This week I went to a thrift shop and was not asked if I qualified for a senior citizen discount. I did not think this young teenager needed a smack to wake her up. I always have my act together better than that.
Because I am so organized I would never leave early enough for a appointment to have time to stop at the store and then forget to stop at the store and show up 45 minutes early. I am much more organized than that.
After a friend taught me to store money in my bra a couple of months ago, I did not use that education to store my camera lens cap for several hours and then my son’s cell phone. I also did not forget that I had both things there. I would never do either of those things and even if I did I would never admit to it.
How has your week gone, anything you want to share with me. Help me feel normal and tell me the things you did NOT do this week.