1. What are you most afraid of? going to jail, I have thought about it way too many times, would I just kill myself, would I run away, what would my kids say. How would I avoid being killed in prison. This is all crazy because I have only had one speeding ticket in my life and never been arrested.
2. Do you use a flat iron or curling iron? I use to use a curling iron, remember when you almost made your hair stick straight up in the front. I have a flat iron and would give anything to be able to use it. I love my hair straight but it is really curly
3. Hands-free or phone to the ear? phone to ear. although i should try a hands free because I LOVE talking on the phone and cleaning. I beg friends to call because I will clean more if i am talking
4. Do you have a matching bedroom set? Kinda a bed and 2 dressers but we have a extra one that does not match and my children do NOT have matching sadly. one day
5. Do you believe in the paranormal? NO NO and NO and if I did I would not admitt it because they may come looking for me