1. What is the one thing your love does for you that you can't live without? every night I say I Cold and he comes in and covers me up
2. When did you know your love was "the one"? HMMMMMMMMMMMM i think i kinda always knew, i mean we got together and just seemed right
3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?yes. right now it is i want to grow old with you. as a joke he had baby got back for a couple of days but we did not want the kids to hear it. mine plays superman when he calls me
4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?honest, he was a virgin in a high school of few, his parents were christians and still married and they liked being together
5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?yes, sadly he has never proposed. it is a neat story but we went out for 2 years and then i moved away. he came to visit one weekend and never left. we felt horrible for living together. so one weekend we were going home and i said we would buy the ring at my favorite store. we bought it and that was that. i would LOVE, give anything, for a proposal