This is a neat thing, I forget to say Thank you more times than I remember. Thank you, to all the Heritage Girls families who donated for our gift cards and meals and the wonderful package of going away items, they came in handy because I forgot to pull things out before the movers packed.
Thank you to the moms of Excalibur who gave me a wonderful going away party, who bought me a sewing machine. For all the times they spent praying for me and with me and being there every time I needed something.
Thank you for all of my friends who listened to me complain about moving, who kept my babies while we got ready for the move and had movers there.
Thank you to the workers at the hotel who went beyond what was expected to help my family and make us feel like we were at home.
Thank you to the best husband who is constantly stopping what he is doing to help me hang a picture or answer a question like :honey, what is our phone number again”
Thank you to my children who have been well behaved while we drove around looking at houses for hours. While we set in a hotel for hours. Who have not complained (too much) as we have had them constantly cleaning and unpacking.
Thank you to my wonderful Lord who is there for me when I am scared about upcoming deployments, when I was scared we would not find a home. Why do I ever doubt that he will take care of us. I found thankful Thursdays at http://ourimperfectlife.blogspot.com/