Today was my last co op ever. It was also yearbook picture day. I think that helped not make it so sad because I was so busy. I came home and saw the semi truck in front of my house. My breathe caught in my throat. I guess it is real. There are three packers today. As of 4pm they are done with the living room, kitchen, bedrooms office, hallway closet, are almost done with the storage room out back. WOW that means they are about done I cannot believe it. The girls went home with a friend this afternoon. I cannot tell you what a blessing this is because they would be beyond bored. Tomorrow they load everything up. We have looked at several houses on line and several look promising. The weather is yucky and cold and rainy. Please pray for sickness in my house. One day last week faith had a sore throat and stayed in bed for 2 days. Last night Michael said he did not feel good but we did not pay him much attention. Then we realized he had a low grade fever. This morning he woke up saying he felt good but then went back to bed for 5 hours and just woke up. He does not have a fever right now. Please pray that whatever this is it does not spread. I honestly did not think anything of it or I would not have gone to co op today. Please pray we have not made anyone else sick. Someone is bringing us dinner tonight but I am tempted to have her meet us at the door.