At 8:30am the mover arrived. That is right I said mover not movers. The boss said that the other movers would be here at noon. He left the boxers and the one mover and left. At noon no one showed up, at 1pm no one, at 2pm no one so I called and they said 2 more guys were on their way. At 3:15pm one other guy showed up and by 4:57 the kids bedrooms and the office, part of my my room and part of the kitchen was done. Honest the young man they left here this morning did all the work except the kitchen. They said they would be back tomorrow morning with 4 packers.
This evening I went to dinner with 2 friends, I wish we would have taken a picture. It was so much fun to be able to set and relax and talk. The food was AMAZING. I brought home leftovers for Rob for lunch tomorrow. The girls spent the afternoon with a friend which was great for us. they are doing better than I thought they would with the move. I cannot believe how well they handled seeing their stuff packed up.