Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mama guilt

I have started reading a new blog. The name is cop mama and on Mondays she does mama guilt.
This week I am having lots of mama guilt. For years my 9 year old has wanted to learn to sew. When I was in the hospital my MIL taught her some basics. I could not thread a needle. Last week the ladies of my homeschool group bought me a sewing machine and I have already spent one night at a friends house learning to use it and made 3 skirts. Everyday Faith says can you teach me to sew and every day I say not until after we move. I should so teach her to sew.


Linda Ramos said...

Anna begged for a sewing machine for Christmas. She got it.. tried it once.. I got frustrated with it and walked away.. she did it. However, now she keeps asking to sew and my response is .. "later" or "maybe tomorrow". Sigh.. why couldn't I be like my mom.. she was awesome with a sewing machine.

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