Let me start by saying I am up at 4am writing this. I could not sleep so I thought okay I will go ahead and write up my 5 Question Friday post. I might be slightly addicted to my Friday post.
Can I change the subject for a minute and complain. I thought okay I will come in the living room and watch some trash TV (netflix) and fall asleep. Only to realize that my TV remote and my netflix remote batteries are DEAD. Can you explain to me how that happened.
Okay, let’s get started. The questions this week are:
Oh wait one more thing. Did you know this little old blog is hosting a give away? Did you know that this give away has only a couple of entries? Did you know that makes this blogger very sad? Do a friend a favor and enter this amazing give away. Remember we all start small and if we want bigger give anyways have to show the world it is worth it to them. By the way you can enter right
Okay, let’s start for real this time. This weeks questions are:
1. How often should adults have birthday parties? If we are talking dinner and fun with a few friends I say every chance you get. If we are talking themes and decorating and someone organizing a bunch then only on big birthdays.
2. What was your room decorated like when you were a child? I do not remember ever having it decorated. I do not even remember having posters hung up. (mom did I have posters or decorations?). I have been told that I kept it fairly straightened up. At one house we lived in my room was the only room downstairs and it was like 2 rooms combined. I remember that being my favorite room and feeling like it was something special.
3. Do you have any traditions for Easter? If so, what? and do you have a why behind that? We use to do the whole egg hunt and Easter basket and fancy dresses. We have slowly dwindled down to a small gift and maybe a new outfit. I am past the fancy dresses because my girls do not want to wear them outside of that week. This year I actually let the girls pick there own. Honestly, it was a bad mistake because they are horrible blue jeans dresses. Even if it was not Easter they would be bad. But they like them and honestly am I not telling them daily Easter is not about the fancy dresses. On the other side I have no problem with anyone making there kids big Easter baskets full of chocolate and toys. As long as you remember why we have Easter.
4. Do you get Good Friday off? If so, any plans? Oh yeah my hero has a 4 day weekend. Today I am going to a oil class (DoTerra) and then taking my baby girl to buy shoes. Saturday I need to go grocery shopping and then it is time to start cleaning out the house. On Sunday we will cook at church and then home for naps before having friends come over. I love having friends over.
5. Did you wear hats & white shoes to church on Easter? (Or was that just in the South?) I did not but until a few years ago I always put my girls in lacey dresses. I only have one who enjoys that now. I won’t lie when I walk in church and see all those girls in little hats and white gloves I just smile. I might be slightly jealous.
Stopping by from 5QF. I have to agree that some of the ways little girls are all dressed up for Easter makes me wish I cared a hill of beans about dressing my little one up. But I don't. So I just sit back and admire those who took the time to get there kids into the cute frills :)
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