Does your family have movie night? We do at least once a week. Coming up with something that everyone is interested is not always easy. I have learned to allow the little kids to color or build with legos while we watch the movie. I have also found that there is a Faith and Spirituality section on Netflix that has some pretty decent family movies.
These chairs are a neat story. A story that is almost too embarrassing to admit to you. My husband has a habit that drives me batty. When we lived on the military post he was constantly picking up computers and vacuum cleaners from the trash. It made him laugh at how many military families just threw them out instead of fixing them. So he would pick them up, repair them and then sell them for a pretty penny. Granted we did not need the money. He really saw it as a game. One day he came home with three of these chairs. It was actually someone we knew. They matched my daughter’s room. We currently keep them folded and put under her bed. Tonight I had the idea to bring them downstairs. It worked out great because everyone had their own spot to watch a movie. We will definitely bring them out again during movie night.
I would love some new movie suggestions on what we can enjoy as a family.
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