This is Armed Forces week in Huntsville so there are lots of fun things to do. This morning we took the kids to the Botanical Gardens. It was so much fun. They are doing an exhibit called Big Bugs right now which Hope loved. I loved all the flowers. They water sprinklers everywhere and there were lots of kids in bathing suits. I had to laugh because before we let the girls put on there suits they were playing in the water but as soon as they got there suits on they were done. We went into the butterfly house. Is says please do not hold the butterflies. But they had food you could put on your arm to encourage them to land on you. Hope missed that announcement because she was catching them out of the air. It was honestly cute. We really could have stayed a lot longer but it was hot and we could tell they were tired. We stopped and picked up pizza on the way home. We are home now and resting before we go to the soldier show tonight.
OPSEC- Just a reminder that anytime I speak of my hero I am changing the time and date of the events. If I say he is flying right now it was probably a week ago. I will never give out exact times and dates. Please understand this is for his safety and his units safety and not to mislead my readers. Please help me follow OPSEC by not asking for exact dates or information.
Petrie Soaps and Stuff
All of our soaps are made using milk from our beautiful goats and are made by my husband and I.
Let's Be Social
Grab One
My Hero
Rob and I have been married 15 years. He is my hero. Rob is a Warrant Officer in the army. I so look up to this man. He is brilliant. I could not ask for a better husband or father. He is the spiritual leader of our family. I am so blessed to have this man in my life and thank God for him daily.
Michael is almost 20 years old. No longer my little boy who needs mom to make his PB&J. He is currently a student at Pensacola Bible College studying to be a Evangelist. He still enjoys video games and hanging out with friends.
Faith is my beautiful 16 year old. She teaches me daily how to love myself and others. She loves to help with the little kids She loves to sing and dance and would not be caught in public without make up and jewelry. Faith is Faith, she does not try to impress anyone
Hope is my fiesty 14 year old. Hope loves anything that has to do with animals. She is happiest when she is outside with the goats and chickens. She loves to help in the church nursery. She is as tall as her momma and still growing.
Grace is 11 years old and is my special blessing. Grace was born at 2.12 pounds and was in a hurry to get here. She has been non stop since then. She loves being the baby and makes sure everyone knows it
Jason is 8 . His favorite things to do are to help me clean up and to eat. If you ask him what he wants to do he says I want to go grocery shopping.
James is and a joy to be around. He loves to snuggle and be told that he is doing something right.
My precious newest blessing. Born September.
A C U is the newest addition to our family. She was a stray and found her way (through a friend) to our home. She is so adorable and the kids were instantly in love with her
When we bought our farm house (okay farm is not really true) we decided we would get chickens. My amazing hero agreed to 10 and some how we ended up with 21. I have been told that is called chicken math.
I have to be honest, I love my goats. If it was up to me I would have them walking around the house. We have two for milking and one for meat. Next year we should have three for milking. Although the thought of my baby girl getting pregnant is hard for me.
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