Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Hodge Podge Wednesday
1. Do you think the world became a more dangerous place on September 11, 2001 or are we just more aware of the danger? How has your own life changed as a result of that day? I do not think it is more dangerous but that we are more aware. I do think there are bigger and badder explosives. My life has changed because I no longer feel like we are living in a non touchable country. It has also affected me because my hero has been to Iraq three times, and to Afghanistan.
2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight? I never thought my mom was too strict, I do not even remember complaining about it. In hindsight, I would love to have had stricter parents. But you know what that is hindsight and I am a better person for it.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself. I constantly second guess every thought I have, every decision I make, every compliment someone gives me. I am working on it but that is me.
4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated? Complicated, he says I over think, over work, over react to everything. But he loves that I am never boring.
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food? Funnel cake or possibly cotton candy. Nothing fancy.
6. Tornado, hurricane, many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which do you think would be the scariest? We had a hurricane hit during my wedding, so my wedding had no electricity. What a eventful day that was.
7. Labor day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not? I do not remember having regular chores. I babysit from the time I was in seventh grade. And when I say babysit I mean A LOT. When I got in high school and my friends would get part time jobs, I would think “Man I work more hours than you do and have been for years”. My children have a ton of chores. Let me give you a basic example. 7-7:30 up and dressed and bedrooms cleaned, 8-8:30 house chores like kitchen clean up laundry, animal care, 11:30 re do morning chores, 5pm any extra chores like straightening livingroom and sweeping deck and general house straightening, 6:30 after dinner clean up and anything else that made need done. Now you would think with all the cleaning my house would be clean but sadly it is not. We rarely dust and mopping floors like we should but we are getting there.
2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight? I never thought my mom was too strict, I do not even remember complaining about it. In hindsight, I would love to have had stricter parents. But you know what that is hindsight and I am a better person for it.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself. I constantly second guess every thought I have, every decision I make, every compliment someone gives me. I am working on it but that is me.
4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated? Complicated, he says I over think, over work, over react to everything. But he loves that I am never boring.
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food? Funnel cake or possibly cotton candy. Nothing fancy.
6. Tornado, hurricane, many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which do you think would be the scariest? We had a hurricane hit during my wedding, so my wedding had no electricity. What a eventful day that was.
7. Labor day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not? I do not remember having regular chores. I babysit from the time I was in seventh grade. And when I say babysit I mean A LOT. When I got in high school and my friends would get part time jobs, I would think “Man I work more hours than you do and have been for years”. My children have a ton of chores. Let me give you a basic example. 7-7:30 up and dressed and bedrooms cleaned, 8-8:30 house chores like kitchen clean up laundry, animal care, 11:30 re do morning chores, 5pm any extra chores like straightening livingroom and sweeping deck and general house straightening, 6:30 after dinner clean up and anything else that made need done. Now you would think with all the cleaning my house would be clean but sadly it is not. We rarely dust and mopping floors like we should but we are getting there.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Walk through the Bible
Monday, August 29, 2011
Home made baby food
So simple. Maybe not the way most people would do it. Take a can of green beans or peaches or peas and drain almost completly. Pour into food processor and turn on until smooth. Pour food into ice cube trays. Each ice cube spot is one ounce. Freeze until solid and then pour into ziplocs until you are ready to use. In the morning pour out how ever many cubes you need to start defrosting. There are lots of other recipes where you can cook the food first adding flour and butter. This is my easiest way. I have a wonderful friend who let me make her baby food and even test it out on her son.
Have you made baby food before, did you know how easy it is to make?

Happy Homemaking Monday

The weather in my neck of the woods:
I just checked and it said a perfect 66 degrees. If only it would stay that way. It will be 90 by this afternoon. It says 60 in the morning and high 80’s all week. I am ready for it to cool off but not so much that the kids cannot go outside and play.
Things that make me happy:
Waking to a straightened kitchen, it makes me want to jump in and bake something for no reason. I love a clean kitchen.
Book I'm reading:
Night Light by James Dobson, I have had it for years and just re picked it up. It is what I am using for my morning quiet time.
What's on my TV today:
My baby can read, I am sure I am not doing it properly, but at least I feel like I have something I can turn on that is guilt free.
On the menu for dinner:
chicken or something with homemade mash potatoes. I need to really work on a menu. I am getting better at setting things out. Although I think I will make this my hero’s job so I do not have to remember and he can pick what he likes.
On my To Do List:
oh my, we have company coming this weekend. My washer and dryer need cleaned off, my fridge needs wiped out, my deck needs swept, my linen closet needs re folded.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Peanut butter smoothies. Banana, peanut butter and honey and milk. Oh man a great breakfast
In the craft basket:
I have not had time to breath let alone craft. Last week I did make my daughter 2 skirts. I took a pair of her older sisters’ jeans and cut the legs off them and made Grace a blue jeans skirt for pictures. Then I took a old pillow case dress and turned it into a skirt.
Looking forward to this week:
My mother in law is coming in town in 6 days. I cannot wait to see her, to set and talk to her, to laugh with her. To beg her to make me homemade mac-n-cheese and potato candy.
Tips and Tricks:
To get rid of knats, mix a half a cup of vinegar with 1T dish soap and leave setting out. After a couple of hours they will be gone. Sadly the next day you have to start the process over again.
My favorite blog post this week:
I am sorry I did not write it down, I will get better at this. Although, I have been watching all the cooking carnivals. I just saw a recipe for no bake cookies with nutella.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Miscellany Monday
1. This week we had pictures taken, my teen made it almost miserable. Okay maybe not that bad. She told me this morning she got a few good ones.
2. I know it is wrong but I really enjoy dressing my family up in similar clothes.
3. September is going to be amazing. We only have one weekend where someone will not be out of town.
4. I am debating attending PWOC this year (Protestant Women of the Chapel). It is hard because I think I need the time to socialize with other women. I just cannot imagine giving up a morning of school. But then again to worship with other women would be amazing.
5. Saturday morning I let my kids play out in the wind, while we waited for the storm to come through. Did anyone else think that was probably not a smart idea?
6. We have one more quiet week and then it is time for life to pick up. It is time for AWANA, boyscouts, Wednesday night church, and possibly PWOC. I am looking forward to it and a little nervous about being able to handle it all.
7. Yesterday I attended a baby shower. The topic of house cleaning came up. I said my house is deep cleaned when my kids are grounded and have extra chores. The lady looked at me and said your house must never be clean then. I questioned her. She told me that my children always obey and are never in trouble. AHH that was the best compliment in the world.
8. Today someone encouraged me to teach a Bible study on raising children. I told her there is no way I could/would do that. But the thought of her even thinking I was worthy means a lot.

2. I know it is wrong but I really enjoy dressing my family up in similar clothes.
3. September is going to be amazing. We only have one weekend where someone will not be out of town.
4. I am debating attending PWOC this year (Protestant Women of the Chapel). It is hard because I think I need the time to socialize with other women. I just cannot imagine giving up a morning of school. But then again to worship with other women would be amazing.
5. Saturday morning I let my kids play out in the wind, while we waited for the storm to come through. Did anyone else think that was probably not a smart idea?
6. We have one more quiet week and then it is time for life to pick up. It is time for AWANA, boyscouts, Wednesday night church, and possibly PWOC. I am looking forward to it and a little nervous about being able to handle it all.
7. Yesterday I attended a baby shower. The topic of house cleaning came up. I said my house is deep cleaned when my kids are grounded and have extra chores. The lady looked at me and said your house must never be clean then. I questioned her. She told me that my children always obey and are never in trouble. AHH that was the best compliment in the world.
8. Today someone encouraged me to teach a Bible study on raising children. I told her there is no way I could/would do that. But the thought of her even thinking I was worthy means a lot.

Friday, August 26, 2011
Fill in the blank Friday
1. One of life's most simple pleasures is a ice cold can of mountain dew and a honeybun setting on my porch early in the morning .
2. Waiting on hold for elevendy billion years when I call to make a doctor's appointment makes me want to drop my six sick children at their desk and walk away.
3. I like my cell phone because, because I can check e-mail anywhere and it has a decent camera on it .
4. cockcoo is a funny word. I do not know where it came from but my little boys says it daily
5. If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be Mary Kay face wash, I have used it for probably 10 years. .
6. I'm happy that we have a stocked pantry in case we lose power this weekend. .
7. I would never eat healthy, that does not mean I do not want to. I long to eat that fresh salad I make for my husband but then I look at it and cannot push it in my mouth.
2. Waiting on hold for elevendy billion years when I call to make a doctor's appointment makes me want to drop my six sick children at their desk and walk away.
3. I like my cell phone because, because I can check e-mail anywhere and it has a decent camera on it .
4. cockcoo is a funny word. I do not know where it came from but my little boys says it daily
5. If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be Mary Kay face wash, I have used it for probably 10 years. .
6. I'm happy that we have a stocked pantry in case we lose power this weekend. .
7. I would never eat healthy, that does not mean I do not want to. I long to eat that fresh salad I make for my husband but then I look at it and cannot push it in my mouth.
The Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week…
We started school, I am so glad to be back in the swing of things. While I miss the extra time and feel totally over whelmed I am loving every minute of it.
In our homeschool this week…
We opened new books, we remembered we did not have a globe. We used new notebooks and found out who the teachers would be.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
For me, remembering to read the mom’s minutes, something I often forget and then I feel lost.
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching my 8 year old finally catch the reading bug. Honestly she is farther behind then I care to admit and it bothers me.
Questions/thoughts I have…
What is fun, educational websites you let your children play on?
Why can I not multiply myself, so I can read with my kindergartner while checking algebra at the same time.
I’m grateful for…
My quiet time, I am determined to get up every morning and have quiet time, even if only for a couple of minutes.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share
We started school, I am so glad to be back in the swing of things. While I miss the extra time and feel totally over whelmed I am loving every minute of it.
In our homeschool this week…
We opened new books, we remembered we did not have a globe. We used new notebooks and found out who the teachers would be.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
For me, remembering to read the mom’s minutes, something I often forget and then I feel lost.
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching my 8 year old finally catch the reading bug. Honestly she is farther behind then I care to admit and it bothers me.
Questions/thoughts I have…
What is fun, educational websites you let your children play on?
Why can I not multiply myself, so I can read with my kindergartner while checking algebra at the same time.
I’m grateful for…
My quiet time, I am determined to get up every morning and have quiet time, even if only for a couple of minutes.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Mil Spouse fill in Friday
1. The first thing I think of when I get up in the morning is _take my thyroid medicine, I have to wait another 30 minutes to eat or drink so I take it first.__.
2. Lately, I’ve been craving ______soft serve ice cream___________ because _____it is quick and easy and cool when it is hot outside____________.
3. Whenever anyone says the word __yes mam______________, it reminds me of my childhood because ______I once told a teacher I would never say yes mam to her because I did not say it to my mom and I definitely am not saying it to her. It is something I have regretted ever since.
4. The happiest word I know is __mommy___, but __man by the end of the day I am tired of hearing it_.
5. My spouse may hate it, but I absolutely love _when he is not home and I get to stretch out in the bed alone when I wake up in the morning..
2. Lately, I’ve been craving ______soft serve ice cream___________ because _____it is quick and easy and cool when it is hot outside____________.
3. Whenever anyone says the word __yes mam______________, it reminds me of my childhood because ______I once told a teacher I would never say yes mam to her because I did not say it to my mom and I definitely am not saying it to her. It is something I have regretted ever since.
4. The happiest word I know is __mommy___, but __man by the end of the day I am tired of hearing it_.
5. My spouse may hate it, but I absolutely love _when he is not home and I get to stretch out in the bed alone when I wake up in the morning..
5 Question Friday
1. Did you make any fun purchases this week? I did, I used my swagbucks points to buy a target gift card. So I ordered a new shirt from Target just for me. I also ordered a statue of liberty costume. When I ordered it I thought it was for my little boy. Then my hero reminded me it is for a girl. OOPS!
2. If you could go to any musical concert, what would it be? Hmm, anything with praise and worship music or maybe something with Mark Lowry in it.
3. What is your least fav/ most fav house chore? I HATE, okay I said the 4 letter word, I dislike (I could not bring myself to say it again) folding laundry and putting it away. This is totally crazy but I have a new favorite chore. I love hand washing my plates. Tonight as the kids were getting ready for bed I took the plates out of the dishwasher and washed my dishes. My most favorite is re organizing a bookshelf or a bedroom. Oh to look at a room right after I have de cluttered and organized it is amazing.
4. Would you prefer new appliances or clothes? If all of my friends would (give me 6 month notice) turn me into What not to wear I would say clothes. But since no one will turn me in and I would have to shop for myself I would say appliances. I have a list of things that I would love to have. Like a larger kitchen ade.
5. Miracle Whip or Mayo? Do not laugh but I do not know the difference. I buy whatever is on sale. I just asked my hero because honestly I did not know what he liked and he said miracle whip. Okay now I know.
These were fun questions, and because of them I now know which one my husband likes.
2. If you could go to any musical concert, what would it be? Hmm, anything with praise and worship music or maybe something with Mark Lowry in it.
3. What is your least fav/ most fav house chore? I HATE, okay I said the 4 letter word, I dislike (I could not bring myself to say it again) folding laundry and putting it away. This is totally crazy but I have a new favorite chore. I love hand washing my plates. Tonight as the kids were getting ready for bed I took the plates out of the dishwasher and washed my dishes. My most favorite is re organizing a bookshelf or a bedroom. Oh to look at a room right after I have de cluttered and organized it is amazing.
4. Would you prefer new appliances or clothes? If all of my friends would (give me 6 month notice) turn me into What not to wear I would say clothes. But since no one will turn me in and I would have to shop for myself I would say appliances. I have a list of things that I would love to have. Like a larger kitchen ade.
5. Miracle Whip or Mayo? Do not laugh but I do not know the difference. I buy whatever is on sale. I just asked my hero because honestly I did not know what he liked and he said miracle whip. Okay now I know.
These were fun questions, and because of them I now know which one my husband likes.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Seriously Thursday
Seriously, I love having a place to be able to vent.
Seriously, waiting in line at bojangles for 35 minutes last month still makes me irritated.
Seriously, I am so excited about our family retreat.
Seriously having my husband and dog sick on the same day is not okay with me.
Seriously, I saw a dog go into our church tonight. I do not know why it shocked me so much, it is not like it is a big deal.
Seriously, I have cut way back on my mountain dew intake and it is not helping my head aches. So I think I should be able to go back on it.
Seriously this weekend is going to be CRAZY, I have a cookout, a pampered chef party, and a baby shower. AHHHHHHHHHHH, I will need a nap Sunday afternoon for sure.
Seriously, why can my teen not just straighten up and smile for a picture. It is not like I am asking him to give up something important. Just smile for a stinking picture. His kids are going to think he had a miserable life.
Seriously, the bathroom in our wal-mart smells amazing. Every time I go I remind myself to call the main company and tell them how good it smells.
Seriously, why is my life so boring that I am smelling the bathroom at wal-mart. Who does that?
Seriously, if one more sales person knocks on my door during dinner and ask me to buy meat or carpet cleaning I am going to scream.

Seriously, waiting in line at bojangles for 35 minutes last month still makes me irritated.
Seriously, I am so excited about our family retreat.
Seriously having my husband and dog sick on the same day is not okay with me.
Seriously, I saw a dog go into our church tonight. I do not know why it shocked me so much, it is not like it is a big deal.
Seriously, I have cut way back on my mountain dew intake and it is not helping my head aches. So I think I should be able to go back on it.
Seriously this weekend is going to be CRAZY, I have a cookout, a pampered chef party, and a baby shower. AHHHHHHHHHHH, I will need a nap Sunday afternoon for sure.
Seriously, why can my teen not just straighten up and smile for a picture. It is not like I am asking him to give up something important. Just smile for a stinking picture. His kids are going to think he had a miserable life.
Seriously, the bathroom in our wal-mart smells amazing. Every time I go I remind myself to call the main company and tell them how good it smells.
Seriously, why is my life so boring that I am smelling the bathroom at wal-mart. Who does that?
Seriously, if one more sales person knocks on my door during dinner and ask me to buy meat or carpet cleaning I am going to scream.

Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for a wonderful friend who took a million pictures of my family this week. Okay maybe it was more like a million and one. This is the second time she has done this. The first time it was raining so we could not do outside pictures.
I am thankful for the lady who gave my son a gift card for mowing her grass. He did it for free to be nice and she rewarded that. Sometimes our kid’s just need rewarded.
I am thankful that my husband was still willing to kiss me in pictures tonight. He is really the love of my life.
I am thankful that we started school this week, thankful that we are able to homeschool our kids.
I am thankful that my husband is able to fix just about anything. In the last 2 weeks he has had to replace on toilet and fix 2 more. He has fixed my computer and it seems like a million other things. He never gets to just set down.

I am thankful for the lady who gave my son a gift card for mowing her grass. He did it for free to be nice and she rewarded that. Sometimes our kid’s just need rewarded.
I am thankful that my husband was still willing to kiss me in pictures tonight. He is really the love of my life.
I am thankful that we started school this week, thankful that we are able to homeschool our kids.
I am thankful that my husband is able to fix just about anything. In the last 2 weeks he has had to replace on toilet and fix 2 more. He has fixed my computer and it seems like a million other things. He never gets to just set down.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Miscellany Monday
1. This week we start school. I am beyond excited; I have spent the last couple of weeks getting everything organized and ready. I know it will take some time to get everything going but I look forward to it.
2. My hero is off and taking my daughter fishing this morning. They are going alone. She has been looking forward to it for weeks.
3. We went to the movies today to see Mr. Poppins Penguins. I was impressed with how good it was. I was a little nervous because it had Jim Cary in it. I will definitely let the kids see it again.
4. I just heard my daughter tell her sister to be quiet “NOW”.
5. We are having family pictures taken this Wednesday outside. The last time we scheduled it outside it rained. All week the weather calls for pretty days except you guess it on Wednesday.
6. My hero and 6 kids went shopping with me today for clothes for the family picture. I just knew someone would NOT make it out alive. We all did.
7. I put a pork roast in the crock pot this morning before leaving for church, I am so glad because we left at 7:30 and did not get home until after 6pm
8. Every Sunday I get up and get in the shower, my husband wakes the kids and throws some cereal in front of them. I am in and out of the shower and ready to walk out the door in less than 30 minutes. While he is in the shower I finish up breakfast, put something in the crock pot for dinner, get six kids dressed or at least approve their clothes and get everyone loaded and make sure the diaper bag is full and everyone has what they need for church.
9. It is storming right now; I hope it storms all night so I will sleep well. I wish I could take a blanket and sleep on the front porch when it storms.
10. Thank you for listening. I am writing this Sunday evening because the house is quiet. For now I need to go to bed before I collapse.
2. My hero is off and taking my daughter fishing this morning. They are going alone. She has been looking forward to it for weeks.
3. We went to the movies today to see Mr. Poppins Penguins. I was impressed with how good it was. I was a little nervous because it had Jim Cary in it. I will definitely let the kids see it again.
4. I just heard my daughter tell her sister to be quiet “NOW”.
5. We are having family pictures taken this Wednesday outside. The last time we scheduled it outside it rained. All week the weather calls for pretty days except you guess it on Wednesday.
6. My hero and 6 kids went shopping with me today for clothes for the family picture. I just knew someone would NOT make it out alive. We all did.
7. I put a pork roast in the crock pot this morning before leaving for church, I am so glad because we left at 7:30 and did not get home until after 6pm
8. Every Sunday I get up and get in the shower, my husband wakes the kids and throws some cereal in front of them. I am in and out of the shower and ready to walk out the door in less than 30 minutes. While he is in the shower I finish up breakfast, put something in the crock pot for dinner, get six kids dressed or at least approve their clothes and get everyone loaded and make sure the diaper bag is full and everyone has what they need for church.
9. It is storming right now; I hope it storms all night so I will sleep well. I wish I could take a blanket and sleep on the front porch when it storms.
10. Thank you for listening. I am writing this Sunday evening because the house is quiet. For now I need to go to bed before I collapse.

Happy Anniversary!
Can you tell what we did on our Anniversary. We went to Red Robin and then to the mall. I had been told amazing wonderful things about the guy doing my message. WRONG, not good, I could not move for 2 days and he left my back extremely bruised.
So back to my anniversary. I thought I would share some things about us.
1. We met right before my freshmen/his senior year of high school.
2. We dated for 2.5 years and broke up.
3. I moved 8 hours to get away from him.
4. 2.5 years later he called me out of the blue and we talked for hours and hours. It was a Wednesday morning. By that night we had decided he was coming down for a visit. He came on Friday and never left.
5. We were married the next July in 95
6. He went from reserves to active in Jan 96
7. March 96 we moved from VA to KY
8. Nov 96 I had my first son
9. January 97 we moved to Germany
10. 1997 he went to Kosovo
11. 1998 he went to Bosnia
12. 1999 he went to Albania
13. Nov 98 we had our second son, he was born at 20 weeks, we knew before I delivered that he was not alive
14. Jan 2000 we moved to KY
15. June 2000 we had our first daughter
16. Oct 2001 we bought our first house
17. 2002 he went to Afghanistan
18. October 2002 we had our second daughter
19. 2002-2003 Iraq
20. June 2003 we moved to Alabama
21. 2004 He went to Iraq for the second time
22. October 2005 we had our third daughter, born at 31 weeks after a 5 week hospital stay
23. Sept 2009 he because a Warrant Officer
24. February 2010 we moved to NC
25. May 2010 he went to Iraq for the third time
It seems like I am forgetting a few things. And I bet a bunch of the dates are not totally correct. I have a bad memory.
I love this man so much and cannot imagine him not being in my life for one day.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Did I tell you I have a walker
Friday, August 19, 2011
Homeschool Journal
In my life this week…
I had friends over for dinner, I had another friends daughter spend the night, I burned new scentsy that is so amazing, I cannot describe it.
In our homeschool this week…
Schedules being made, schedules being approved, books being sorted, copies being made.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We are going to myrtle beach for a family retreat in just one month. I am super excited about it. Although it will be the first time with 6 kids in one hotel room.
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching the UPS man deliver 8 boxes of goodies to my home on Monday. Boxes full of hard drives and books.
Questions/thoughts I have…
It is going to be a rollercoaster year and I cannot wait to get it started. I will have a ninth grader (I cannot bring myself to say high schooler), a sixth grader (my baby girl is in middle school), a third grader, a kindergartners and two pre schoolers.
I’m reading…
Managers of their home, it is amazing. I love to make schedules and have a pretty good routine but this has really opened to my eyes to some common sense ideas.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
I had friends over for dinner, I had another friends daughter spend the night, I burned new scentsy that is so amazing, I cannot describe it.
In our homeschool this week…
Schedules being made, schedules being approved, books being sorted, copies being made.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We are going to myrtle beach for a family retreat in just one month. I am super excited about it. Although it will be the first time with 6 kids in one hotel room.
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching the UPS man deliver 8 boxes of goodies to my home on Monday. Boxes full of hard drives and books.
Questions/thoughts I have…
It is going to be a rollercoaster year and I cannot wait to get it started. I will have a ninth grader (I cannot bring myself to say high schooler), a sixth grader (my baby girl is in middle school), a third grader, a kindergartners and two pre schoolers.
I’m reading…
Managers of their home, it is amazing. I love to make schedules and have a pretty good routine but this has really opened to my eyes to some common sense ideas.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Mil Spouse fill in Friday
1. My spouse and I rarely agree on money, he is a spender and wants big expensive things, he wants it NOW. I worry about tomorrow and want to save; I always think we can buy it next month.
2. If I could use one word to sum up the way I feel right now, it would be at peace, full field, satisfied.
3. One of the things my spouse does that grosses me out is sweats, sounds silly but I cannot stand sweat which is the only reason I will not workout, if I begin to sweat it is all done..
4. My readers may think I’m crazy for doing this, but I really love organize, and get rid of things. I feel like I am nesting right now (only there is no baby). Even my girls are asking to go through their toys and get rid of everything. I love them for that
5. Frankly, my dear, I don’t care what you think, I am tired of worrying about what you think I am doing or how I am doing it. I need to feel free to just be the mom I want to be without fear that someone will think I am not doing it wrong.
2. If I could use one word to sum up the way I feel right now, it would be at peace, full field, satisfied.
3. One of the things my spouse does that grosses me out is sweats, sounds silly but I cannot stand sweat which is the only reason I will not workout, if I begin to sweat it is all done..
4. My readers may think I’m crazy for doing this, but I really love organize, and get rid of things. I feel like I am nesting right now (only there is no baby). Even my girls are asking to go through their toys and get rid of everything. I love them for that
5. Frankly, my dear, I don’t care what you think, I am tired of worrying about what you think I am doing or how I am doing it. I need to feel free to just be the mom I want to be without fear that someone will think I am not doing it wrong.
Fill in the blank Friday
1. My idea of pure perfection would be my husband home, I love when he takes time off work. I wish he could be home full time, we are so much closer when we have every day to spend together .
2. Children make the world go 'round.
3. If it weren't for bills and needing a house I'd convince my husband to retire and spend every day hanging out with my man. .
4. Bloggers are are educational, a family, fun to be around, a riot, the friends that you know are always there for you. This actually happened several months ago, I was being bashed for something by commenter’s and before I could cry other bloggers stood up for me.
5. If I had a million dollars I'd buy you I would buy my mom and mother in law a new car, I would make it so they could retire and enjoy life..
6. I'm glad it's Friday because I get to be involved in fill in the blank Friday and 5 question Friday and I get to dig into my new school books .
7. Something I'm excited about is the fact that there are 8 school boxes setting next to my front door waiting on my to dig into them and unpack them. This is the longest I have ever been able to not open a box.
2. Children make the world go 'round.
3. If it weren't for bills and needing a house I'd convince my husband to retire and spend every day hanging out with my man. .
4. Bloggers are are educational, a family, fun to be around, a riot, the friends that you know are always there for you. This actually happened several months ago, I was being bashed for something by commenter’s and before I could cry other bloggers stood up for me.
5. If I had a million dollars I'd buy you I would buy my mom and mother in law a new car, I would make it so they could retire and enjoy life..
6. I'm glad it's Friday because I get to be involved in fill in the blank Friday and 5 question Friday and I get to dig into my new school books .
7. Something I'm excited about is the fact that there are 8 school boxes setting next to my front door waiting on my to dig into them and unpack them. This is the longest I have ever been able to not open a box.
5 Question Friday
1. Do you close the bathroom door when you are home alone? No, and if I am not careful I will forget when everyone is home. Especially in my bedroom. Thinking no one would walk into my room.
2. You have to walk around with a word on your forehead. That word describes you. One word. What is it? INSECURE (ouch)
3. What store do you refuse to shop at and why? The Halloween store, it is opening soon, it drives me batty. So creepy, just the signs on the front of the store freak me out.
4. If you participated in arranged marriages for your child(ren), who would you choose for your child(ren)? Someone of good character, someone who loves the Lord with all his heart, someone who is willing stand up for what he believes, someone who fits into our family.
5. If you could pick how and when you would die, would you? Quick with a head injury so I could donate the rest of my body. As for the when any time after my husband and children. I do not want anyone to have to miss me. We have already gotten most of our funeral plans made.

2. You have to walk around with a word on your forehead. That word describes you. One word. What is it? INSECURE (ouch)
3. What store do you refuse to shop at and why? The Halloween store, it is opening soon, it drives me batty. So creepy, just the signs on the front of the store freak me out.
4. If you participated in arranged marriages for your child(ren), who would you choose for your child(ren)? Someone of good character, someone who loves the Lord with all his heart, someone who is willing stand up for what he believes, someone who fits into our family.
5. If you could pick how and when you would die, would you? Quick with a head injury so I could donate the rest of my body. As for the when any time after my husband and children. I do not want anyone to have to miss me. We have already gotten most of our funeral plans made.

Thursday, August 18, 2011
How to keep the spark in your marriage
Recently another blog reader asked about how to keep the spark in your marriage. My response was:Take time for one another, rather it be a date in a theatre or a dinner in your dinning room after the kids go to bed. Knowing his needs and want (love language), is a major help. Maybe he could care less if you clean the house but needs hugs daily. Leave love notes, do a bible study together, take those silly get to know you test together
Believing Boldly published my idea on her blog. I totally forgot she was going to do this. I encourage you to go over and read what other ideas there are. Do you have ideas on how to keep the spark in your marriage I would to hear them.
Speaking of Believing Boldly, is that not an amazing blog name. Why did I not come up with something neat like that?

Believing Boldly published my idea on her blog. I totally forgot she was going to do this. I encourage you to go over and read what other ideas there are. Do you have ideas on how to keep the spark in your marriage I would to hear them.
Speaking of Believing Boldly, is that not an amazing blog name. Why did I not come up with something neat like that?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
We want to know Wednesday
{1} Did you live in the same town or move around a lot as a child? We lived in 10 different houses, maybe more. But always in the same town.
{2} What were your parents like? I grew up in a single parent home. My mom rode motorcycles and hung out with some scary looking people when I was young. By elementary she could be caught doing cart wheels down the street, middle school she calmed down and by high school she was a old married women.
{3} Do you have any siblings? What were they like growing up? One brother and he was a mess. Bright red hair and more freckles than me. I did not know anyone could have more freckles than me but he did.
{4} Share a short story from your childhood. I do not have a story but a memory. I remember one of our neighbors had a old fashion washer. You filled it with water and then hand washed your clothes but it rung them out and she always hung them out to dry. I thought it was the best thing in the world. Oh wait, I thought of a story. In elementary school my mom volunteered at the school. One day I got mad a teacher and threw a book at her from the back of the room. She sent me to the principle who sent me to my mom who sent me back to the principle who sent me back to class.
{5} What did you look like? (share a childhood pic for a chance to win a prize) red hair, freckles, skinny as a stick most of the time. Tall. I had scoliosis so I wore a brace part of the time. I do not have a childhood picture but a high school picture.

{2} What were your parents like? I grew up in a single parent home. My mom rode motorcycles and hung out with some scary looking people when I was young. By elementary she could be caught doing cart wheels down the street, middle school she calmed down and by high school she was a old married women.
{3} Do you have any siblings? What were they like growing up? One brother and he was a mess. Bright red hair and more freckles than me. I did not know anyone could have more freckles than me but he did.
{4} Share a short story from your childhood. I do not have a story but a memory. I remember one of our neighbors had a old fashion washer. You filled it with water and then hand washed your clothes but it rung them out and she always hung them out to dry. I thought it was the best thing in the world. Oh wait, I thought of a story. In elementary school my mom volunteered at the school. One day I got mad a teacher and threw a book at her from the back of the room. She sent me to the principle who sent me to my mom who sent me back to the principle who sent me back to class.
{5} What did you look like? (share a childhood pic for a chance to win a prize) red hair, freckles, skinny as a stick most of the time. Tall. I had scoliosis so I wore a brace part of the time. I do not have a childhood picture but a high school picture.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It is noon, okay in one minute it will be noon. It has been a marvelous day. I have woken up, actually laid in bed for 40 minutes after my hero got up with Tom. AH, it is luxury for me to just stretch and lay in bed.
My hero made French toast. A lady at church gave us several loaves of French bread so we cut it up and made French toast. What a blessing.
We cleaned up. Packed up our BJU hard drives from last year. Got a box ready to be mailed to friend. That is a wonderful accomplishment because if you know me. You know that I never make it to the post office.
My hero and son left to go mow grass for an elderly couple. Then went to sam’s for a couple of things and lunch. Probably not a great idea because I know this means my husband went meat shopping and we will be broke (okay not really but he would if we had the space).
I folded laundry and put it away, straightened my living room and bedroom and bathroom. Two kids bathed. We remembered to take the trash to the curb.
I made lunch and cleaned it up. I even pulled the plates out of the dishwasher and hand washed them. I do not know why but it is my new favorite thing to do. I have a load of clothes in the dryer to fold later and the laundry will be caught up for a moment.
I have hugged babies and kissed boo boo’s. I have watched a blessing walk and listened to songs. Turned on Sesamie Street so they would stay in one room, it did not work. I have watched blessings play outside.
I have laid three blessings down for nap and have three more cleaning up their rooms. And now I set.
Why is this blog worthy? Because this is my life, day in and day out. And you know what I love it and would not change it for a minute. Well maybe the laundry part, I so dislike laundry.
The rest of my day will be. Going to counseling, determined to be open and honest and ask lots of questions. Coming home and making dinner. Dinner clean up and then putting away the last of the laundry and bedtime.
I would really like to take the time to start opening the 8 school boxes that came yesterday but it will probably have to wait until tomorrow. No wait, the contractors are coming tomorrow to paint the house and clean the gutters. HMMM, when can I get to this?
I have been working on my schedule using my manager of my home book and it is coming together. I cannot wait to run through it a couple of times and see how it goes. I will try to publish it here when I think I am done.
My hero made French toast. A lady at church gave us several loaves of French bread so we cut it up and made French toast. What a blessing.
We cleaned up. Packed up our BJU hard drives from last year. Got a box ready to be mailed to friend. That is a wonderful accomplishment because if you know me. You know that I never make it to the post office.
My hero and son left to go mow grass for an elderly couple. Then went to sam’s for a couple of things and lunch. Probably not a great idea because I know this means my husband went meat shopping and we will be broke (okay not really but he would if we had the space).
I folded laundry and put it away, straightened my living room and bedroom and bathroom. Two kids bathed. We remembered to take the trash to the curb.
I made lunch and cleaned it up. I even pulled the plates out of the dishwasher and hand washed them. I do not know why but it is my new favorite thing to do. I have a load of clothes in the dryer to fold later and the laundry will be caught up for a moment.
I have hugged babies and kissed boo boo’s. I have watched a blessing walk and listened to songs. Turned on Sesamie Street so they would stay in one room, it did not work. I have watched blessings play outside.
I have laid three blessings down for nap and have three more cleaning up their rooms. And now I set.
Why is this blog worthy? Because this is my life, day in and day out. And you know what I love it and would not change it for a minute. Well maybe the laundry part, I so dislike laundry.
The rest of my day will be. Going to counseling, determined to be open and honest and ask lots of questions. Coming home and making dinner. Dinner clean up and then putting away the last of the laundry and bedtime.
I would really like to take the time to start opening the 8 school boxes that came yesterday but it will probably have to wait until tomorrow. No wait, the contractors are coming tomorrow to paint the house and clean the gutters. HMMM, when can I get to this?
I have been working on my schedule using my manager of my home book and it is coming together. I cannot wait to run through it a couple of times and see how it goes. I will try to publish it here when I think I am done.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Miscellany Monday
This weekend I worked on lesson plans for this school year.
This weekend I started working on my schedule according to the new book I am reading. Managers of their home.
This weekend we got haircuts. I really need to learn to cut little boy hair.
While getting haircuts one of the stylists gave Jerry a banana. I took it so it could peel it and Jerry screamed.
I did not know what to think when the stylist told us about a minister who gives away food. It was almost comical because we were all in polo’s and nice clothes. She made a point of following me out of the hair salon and telling me that it is good food.
This weekend I started working on my schedule according to the new book I am reading. Managers of their home.
This weekend we got haircuts. I really need to learn to cut little boy hair.
While getting haircuts one of the stylists gave Jerry a banana. I took it so it could peel it and Jerry screamed.
I did not know what to think when the stylist told us about a minister who gives away food. It was almost comical because we were all in polo’s and nice clothes. She made a point of following me out of the hair salon and telling me that it is good food.

Friday, August 12, 2011
Mil Spouse fill in Friday
1. The best thing my parents taught me to do when I was a child was ___that if you write Pam loves’ Rob in the grass it will still show up even after you mow over it. How to move quickly, we moved allot growing up and learned to move things quickly.
2. However, one thing I wish they did differently was _hmm, hard to answer. I would say how to hold onto things. I honestly do not keep much of anything. I wish I was more sentimental.
3. One thing I’ve always wanted to try but haven’t is ____so many different things, I would love to learn to run I think it would be relaxing but i am too lazy to try it.
4. One thing I never thought I’d try but I have is __Octopus but I did for my hero one day out of the blue.
5. If I could give my 16-year-old self one piece of advice I’d tell myself __Enjoy each moment, take your time, do not grow up too fast, you have the rest of your life.
2. However, one thing I wish they did differently was _hmm, hard to answer. I would say how to hold onto things. I honestly do not keep much of anything. I wish I was more sentimental.
3. One thing I’ve always wanted to try but haven’t is ____so many different things, I would love to learn to run I think it would be relaxing but i am too lazy to try it.
4. One thing I never thought I’d try but I have is __Octopus but I did for my hero one day out of the blue.
5. If I could give my 16-year-old self one piece of advice I’d tell myself __Enjoy each moment, take your time, do not grow up too fast, you have the rest of your life.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Seriously Thursday
Seriously-My daughter drew a very accurate picture of me, including my hair up in a pony tail and my feet on the coffee table. I told her she did a great job. She said “yes, I drew you skinner, a lot skinner”. Thanks child.
Seriously= we are going on a family retreat soon. It is on a beach. My son asked me if he could stay home. I said no way we will be gone three days. But mom I can stay home by myself. UMMM, NO you are only 14. Mom it would be a great test. While he is so much more responsible than I was at his age there is no way I am leaving my baby home alone over night.
Seriously- after last week’s run in with the leasing agency, I had a wonderful phone call with them this week. I held my tongue and did not once say “I told you so”.
Seriously- we had contractors here all day on Monday pounding and drilling and pounding and drilling. The only problem is they did not finish what they started and they have not come back to finish.
Seriously-I have the best husband in the world. He is really trying to step up to the plate and help me more. Now I just need to be better about telling him so.
Seriously- we start school soon, I am so excited to get back on schedule but need to get everything ready. I am wondering how I will keep up with little kids and big kids at the same time.

Seriously= we are going on a family retreat soon. It is on a beach. My son asked me if he could stay home. I said no way we will be gone three days. But mom I can stay home by myself. UMMM, NO you are only 14. Mom it would be a great test. While he is so much more responsible than I was at his age there is no way I am leaving my baby home alone over night.
Seriously- after last week’s run in with the leasing agency, I had a wonderful phone call with them this week. I held my tongue and did not once say “I told you so”.
Seriously- we had contractors here all day on Monday pounding and drilling and pounding and drilling. The only problem is they did not finish what they started and they have not come back to finish.
Seriously-I have the best husband in the world. He is really trying to step up to the plate and help me more. Now I just need to be better about telling him so.
Seriously- we start school soon, I am so excited to get back on schedule but need to get everything ready. I am wondering how I will keep up with little kids and big kids at the same time.

I'm Thankful on Thursdays
Today I have a ton to be thankful for. First my husband came home yesterday with workbooks he knew I would enjoy for the kids. He had taken it upon himself to get them organized for me.
I am thankful for smiles. Seeing my children smile is a amazing treat. I pray they always have something to smile about.
I am thankful for facebook. I know that sounds silly but I have had so many old friends contact me. That’s right I just called my friends old. Sorry guys, I hope you still want to talk to me.
I am thankful for food in my freezer. I tried to make a grocery list and realized the only meat in my fridge was chicken and taco meat and fish. At first I let this discourage me. Then I realized how blessed I am that I can go to the local butcher and restock my freezer without much thought. That is something I do not take lightly.
I am thankful for little boys. Watching them run and jump and bump into things constantly makes me giggle. I forgot how fun little boys are.
I am grateful for my little girls. I love how they love to dress up and do hair and nails one minute and the next minute they are doing things like making mud pies in the back yard.

I am thankful for smiles. Seeing my children smile is a amazing treat. I pray they always have something to smile about.
I am thankful for facebook. I know that sounds silly but I have had so many old friends contact me. That’s right I just called my friends old. Sorry guys, I hope you still want to talk to me.
I am thankful for food in my freezer. I tried to make a grocery list and realized the only meat in my fridge was chicken and taco meat and fish. At first I let this discourage me. Then I realized how blessed I am that I can go to the local butcher and restock my freezer without much thought. That is something I do not take lightly.
I am thankful for little boys. Watching them run and jump and bump into things constantly makes me giggle. I forgot how fun little boys are.
I am grateful for my little girls. I love how they love to dress up and do hair and nails one minute and the next minute they are doing things like making mud pies in the back yard.

Monday, August 8, 2011
Summer Fun show off
This will be one of those summers I never forget.

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Military Monday
Today it is on my heart to talk about something serious. Do you have your life insurance in place? Not just the military life insurance. Do you have a plan if that knock comes on the door? Do your parents and friends know what is expected from them? Do you know what your husband’s wishes are? Do you know where he wants to be buried, what does he want to wear?
For us I do not think we are totally prepared. We have bought our cemetery plots and already have them paid for. We have discussed in detail what he wants. I know he wants the Christian flag at his funeral too. He wants it hanging on the side. We did that at his dad’s funeral.
I know we all role play what will happen when there is a knock at the door. I know that I will want a few minutes to think before they talk to me. I know which Chaplain I want at my house. I know my husband wants a military funeral. I know I want patriot guard. I love the patriot guard. I know that I want certain people to help with my kids.
We are working on updating our insurance policies right now. I encourage you to make sure you have things talked through. Do not wait until they are deployed or on orders when it is emotional. Talk about it often.
Now, I know I have been talking about what if something happens to the soldier but I have another question. Are you prepared if something happens to you as the spouse? We often forget that something could happen to us. My hero knows what I want. He knows what I want for him after my death, what I want for my children.
Death is real and death is sad and I do not want any extra burden on my spouse or myself. Anything I can do now to make that time easier is what I am doing. Rather God gives me another 50 years with my spouse which I pray he does.
I am not advertising for USAA but they have been amazing with us and have answered a million and one questions.

For us I do not think we are totally prepared. We have bought our cemetery plots and already have them paid for. We have discussed in detail what he wants. I know he wants the Christian flag at his funeral too. He wants it hanging on the side. We did that at his dad’s funeral.
I know we all role play what will happen when there is a knock at the door. I know that I will want a few minutes to think before they talk to me. I know which Chaplain I want at my house. I know my husband wants a military funeral. I know I want patriot guard. I love the patriot guard. I know that I want certain people to help with my kids.
We are working on updating our insurance policies right now. I encourage you to make sure you have things talked through. Do not wait until they are deployed or on orders when it is emotional. Talk about it often.
Now, I know I have been talking about what if something happens to the soldier but I have another question. Are you prepared if something happens to you as the spouse? We often forget that something could happen to us. My hero knows what I want. He knows what I want for him after my death, what I want for my children.
Death is real and death is sad and I do not want any extra burden on my spouse or myself. Anything I can do now to make that time easier is what I am doing. Rather God gives me another 50 years with my spouse which I pray he does.
I am not advertising for USAA but they have been amazing with us and have answered a million and one questions.

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