Friday, August 19, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday

1. My idea of pure perfection would be my husband home, I love when he takes time off work. I wish he could be home full time, we are so much closer when we have every day to spend together .
2. Children make the world go 'round.

3. If it weren't for bills and needing a house I'd convince my husband to retire and spend every day hanging out with my man. .

4. Bloggers are are educational, a family, fun to be around, a riot, the friends that you know are always there for you. This actually happened several months ago, I was being bashed for something by commenter’s and before I could cry other bloggers stood up for me.

5. If I had a million dollars I'd buy you I would buy my mom and mother in law a new car, I would make it so they could retire and enjoy life..

6. I'm glad it's Friday because I get to be involved in fill in the blank Friday and 5 question Friday and I get to dig into my new school books .

7. Something I'm excited about is the fact that there are 8 school boxes setting next to my front door waiting on my to dig into them and unpack them. This is the longest I have ever been able to not open a box.


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