2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight? I never thought my mom was too strict, I do not even remember complaining about it. In hindsight, I would love to have had stricter parents. But you know what that is hindsight and I am a better person for it.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself. I constantly second guess every thought I have, every decision I make, every compliment someone gives me. I am working on it but that is me.
4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated? Complicated, he says I over think, over work, over react to everything. But he loves that I am never boring.
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food? Funnel cake or possibly cotton candy. Nothing fancy.
6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake...how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which do you think would be the scariest? We had a hurricane hit during my wedding, so my wedding had no electricity. What a eventful day that was.
7. Labor day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not? I do not remember having regular chores. I babysit from the time I was in seventh grade. And when I say babysit I mean A LOT. When I got in high school and my friends would get part time jobs, I would think “Man I work more hours than you do and have been for years”. My children have a ton of chores. Let me give you a basic example. 7-7:30 up and dressed and bedrooms cleaned, 8-8:30 house chores like kitchen clean up laundry, animal care, 11:30 re do morning chores, 5pm any extra chores like straightening livingroom and sweeping deck and general house straightening, 6:30 after dinner clean up and anything else that made need done. Now you would think with all the cleaning my house would be clean but sadly it is not. We rarely dust and mopping floors like we should but we are getting there.

Well your wedding day is one people remember I'm sure : ) Glad you played along today!
I love your blog, it's so colourful and interesting!!
What is funnel cake? You are the second person to mention it this week :)
hello =) stopping by from iFellowship! Nice to meet you =) Have a great week!
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