I am thankful for smiles. Seeing my children smile is a amazing treat. I pray they always have something to smile about.
I am thankful for facebook. I know that sounds silly but I have had so many old friends contact me. That’s right I just called my friends old. Sorry guys, I hope you still want to talk to me.
I am thankful for food in my freezer. I tried to make a grocery list and realized the only meat in my fridge was chicken and taco meat and fish. At first I let this discourage me. Then I realized how blessed I am that I can go to the local butcher and restock my freezer without much thought. That is something I do not take lightly.
I am thankful for little boys. Watching them run and jump and bump into things constantly makes me giggle. I forgot how fun little boys are.
I am grateful for my little girls. I love how they love to dress up and do hair and nails one minute and the next minute they are doing things like making mud pies in the back yard.

I also have a lot of things to be thankful to. First, I got promoted from my day job and at the same time, my little sister hugged me when i got home.
Cassy from Guitar Made Easy
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