We started school, I am so glad to be back in the swing of things. While I miss the extra time and feel totally over whelmed I am loving every minute of it.
In our homeschool this week…
We opened new books, we remembered we did not have a globe. We used new notebooks and found out who the teachers would be.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
For me, remembering to read the mom’s minutes, something I often forget and then I feel lost.
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching my 8 year old finally catch the reading bug. Honestly she is farther behind then I care to admit and it bothers me.
Questions/thoughts I have…
What is fun, educational websites you let your children play on?
Why can I not multiply myself, so I can read with my kindergartner while checking algebra at the same time.
I’m grateful for…
My quiet time, I am determined to get up every morning and have quiet time, even if only for a couple of minutes.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share

I have two kids, one loves to read, the other well we've had to get creative over the years. She loves fashion and so we've purchased magazines and how to books so that she'll read them. She also actually loves Harry Potter and has read each book a few times. For me, it was about finding what she liked so much she'd even read LOL
I love your family photo at the top...so precious and funny! :)
Most of the educational websites we use now been introduced to are from reviews. I am drawn to math ones, as that was at one time our big need. Alex has a free trial, Mathletics we like enough to have paid for 2 years, Big IQ kids was interesting, and I liked Talking Fingers and Wordy Qwerty for my son. I think I still have reviews for all of those. I'm not affiliated with any of them.
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