2. My hero is home from the field, I missed him so much.
3. One week from today we have our final court date for the boys, I am counting the minutes for a million reasons but the biggest one is I want them on our insurance.
4. Jerry is walking, he is really walking. He will turn around and walk. The last few steps he even runs and then he puts his hands up in the air so he can hug you. It is the best feeling in the world.
5. As I type this my husband is shooting a water gun in the house, I love this man.
6. I have four boys in my house that need haircuts. I should really learn to do this myself. $40 twice a month is way too much.
7. Someone gave us bags of clothes for the boys; I have lots of winter clothes for Jerry. God is providing every step of the way. Why do I ever question it?
8. Alison at an ordinary mom got some devastating news this week. It breaks my heart. But you know what; we do not know the rest of the story. Only one person does and I pray that she is able to cling to him. And when she can no longer stand on her own I pray she feels that we are standing for her. That we are on our knees for her and her son.
9. I tried to make chocolate chip cookies in the waffle maker and it did not work, I am so bummed. I know there is a way but it is not working for me.
10. I love my blog, I love when you leave comments. Is there a question you would like me to answer?

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