In our homeschool this week…Algebra kicked my backside. So grateful that our curriculum gives step by step directions
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…take a step back and look at the whole picture. And if a child is not doing well in one area it does NOT mean you are failure all the way around.
I am inspired by…my son. This week I was in tears crying to a friend about how horrible I am at everything. A minute later I walked into the kitchen and found my son leading morning devotions without being asked.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…We just came home from a marriage retreat that I cannot wait to tell you about.
My favorite thing this week was… sad but refreshing. I was gone Wednesday night having dinner with a friend and last night I had a meeting which means I missed 2 bedtimes. Last night at 11pm we heard tears. My hero went into the boy’s room and Tom was crying. He said he missed me and wanted me. So my hero brought him to my room. I just snuggled him and assured him that I am always here and will be here when he wakes up. Oh this boy tugs at my heart.
What’s working/not working for us…Devotions, I see such a difference when we are not starting our day with devotions.
Questions/thoughts I have…will I ever have a dusted house and clean bathrooms again.
Things I’m working on…We went through the girl’s closet last weekend. Now I need to take all the pillow case dresses they do not like anymore and turn them into skirts.
I’m reading…Praying God’s Word. It is really opening my eyes.
I’m cooking…macadamia nut with white chocolate chip cookies for my husband. Sadly I did not know this was his favorite food until this weekend.
I’m grateful for…my hero who gets up every morning and goes to work and then comes home and takes care of his family.
I’m praying for…a high school friend who was injured in Afghanistan this week.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…