Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our weekend get away

Please tell me that if you were on a romantic get away with your spouse. You know the kind that never happens. You would not wake up at 4am and not go back to sleep. And you definitely would not be caught in the hotel gym by 5 am.
Seriously, I am not fun to vacation with because I do not sleep well and I forget to bring a fan so the outside noise bothers me. Then by mid day I am exhausted. Maybe the adrenaline from the roller coasters will keep me up. Yes, that is what we do on a weekend away we ride roller coasters.
I am telling myself maybe the work out will help me forget about the amount of junk I am consuming today And not worry about the corn bread muffin I ate last night.
Okay we'll typing on my phone while on a exercise bike is not working out.
I hope you are having a great weekend.
P.S. this is honestly relaxing since it is quiet and the equipment is nice and I can take a shower when I am done with no little fingers under the door asking for something.


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