Friday, August 30, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1) I love to _read a good Karen Kingsbury book. ___
2) When I _over extended___ I am _cranky and expect more of others than I should.____
3) I love to listen to _praise music_____ because it makes me feel __like I have energy and know how to get through the rest of the day. ___
4) I never thought I would _want to work again___ after __having kids but now I long to have a job stocking shelves. Something about walking away from a neat shelf thrills me. Now just need to figure out how I would have time to work and raise 7 kids and take care of my husband.

Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1) I love to _read a good Karen Kingsbury book. ___
2) When I _over extended___ I am _cranky and expect more of others than I should.____
3) I love to listen to _praise music_____ because it makes me feel __like I have energy and know how to get through the rest of the day. ___
4) I never thought I would _want to work again___ after __having kids but now I long to have a job stocking shelves. Something about walking away from a neat shelf thrills me. Now just need to figure out how I would have time to work and raise 7 kids and take care of my husband.

Sunday, August 25, 2013
38 Weeks
This week I was told by two people who never met me that I am having a boy. I guess that guarantees it. This morning someone told me I would be having the baby this week.
I always laugh at this stage. One part of me wants this baby boy in my arms right this second. The other part of me already mourns the fact that he will not be my little special treasure to enjoy by myself.
This week I have been working on our school schedule and you would think having a new baby would not worry me but for some reason I just cannot imagine stopping to feed a baby and snuggle with a baby regularly and keeping up with school. So glad we have worked through the summer (for the most part) so we can take it slow. The one thing I have learned is babies do not stay babies for long and I want to enjoy every minute.
I am now back to seeing the doctor every week (just like the first part of my pregnancy). It is funny because I set in the waiting room and have a hard time not laughing at myself. I remember how many weeks I set there and watched the ladies come in who looked about 50 weeks pregnant and envied them. I wondered if that would ever be me. Guess what? That is now me.
Yesterday we were watching a movie and I looked at my husband and said I cannot believe that this time tomorrow I could be setting in this chair nursing a baby. The reverse to that is this morning I was setting in the same chair and looked down and thought man I have gained a belly pooch. DUH!!!! You are pregnant, how do I keep forgetting that.
I did get good news this week. I found out the reason my blood pressure was up is because I was on Sudafed. So no more Sudafed for me.
My plans this week are to keep the house in working order, try to keep the laundry caught up and enjoy being pregnant. Do more things like take a nap with my kids. This weekend I took a nap with Grace. It has been a long time since she has really snuggled in and with me.

Thursday, August 22, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1) Sometimes I feel like there is so _many things to get organized____ and that I will never _be totally prepared for the next thing going on in life____.
2) I never tire of _hearing my children giggle when they play with one another____
3) I love the charity _March of Dimes __ because it strives to help premature babies____
4) My dream job would be _to run a bed and breakfast___ because I’d get to _meet lots of people and entertainment. ____

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Wordfull Wednesday
Sunday, August 18, 2013
New Eyes

37 Weeks

Saturday, August 17, 2013
A sadday in my house!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1) I hate when I _have a bad dream that involves my husband and then I wake up mad at him. ____
2) I sometimes long for _quiet and calm and boredom____
3) Thinking about _moving to a new post__ always makes me _anxious. I cannot imagine moving 7 kids and a dog and cat and staying in a hotel and finding a house.___
4) My favorite day of this week so far was _not Tuesday__ because_my blood pressure was up and I ended up in labor and delivery. This stressed me out because I only went as far as triage (first step in L&D) and the sheets were stained, the soap dispenser was falling off the wall, they had no pillows and there was a lady with the stomach bug in the room with me and I had to hear her getting a internal exam. So not looking forward to delivering at this hospital.___

Thursday, August 15, 2013
The Baby is Coming
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wordful Wednesday
Friday, August 9, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1) I always read my_____ texts, and try to respond quickly.
2) A love to fall asleep when __there is a storm with the windows open and the fan blowing on me.__
3) My dream pet would be a _already trained, great with kids Mastiff_______ named ___George, heck if I know but I have always wanted a mastiff or a ST. Bernard and wanted him/her to sleep with me. _____.
4) I love _cheesecake______ more than chocolate. (Or ice cream!!)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013
My Special Force-Review
I have been given the honor of reading books for a review before but never has a book touched me like this book. Never have I felt so close to a author as I have this author. I encourage you to not only order the book now and let it be a surprise piece of mail when it comes in but to actually read the book. But know that this is not a book you will want to put down and you will definitely need a box or ten of tissues. I have never read a book where I was constantly telling my friends and my husband about it while I read it. You can find this book several locations, it is on Amazon now.
My Special Force
I set with tears in my eyes. I have never read a book that has moved me like this book. Maybe it is the fact that I am 35 weeks pregnant or that my husband had deployed eight times or that we have had our share of Army medical issues over the last 20 years. But oh how this story touched me. I could not put it down.
I felt like I was right there, my heart breaking and the whole time I kept telling myself he will not die, he will not die. This is not happening. I guess I knew the ending but I just could not believe it would really happen.
Your marriage, your life, how you met, your beautiful little girls; the way you dealt with deployment. The way he encourages you to suck it up sounds so familiar. All of this reminds me of my soldier.
I have to say that while the entire book got to me the part about being in the dressing room hit the closest. I remember my water breaking at 26 weeks, having a preemie at 31 weeks, with three other kids at home and then my soldier deploying for 18 months while I still had this sick child at home. Then he came home with PTSD and was not the man who left. I remember so many times thinking not one more thing, I just cannot handle one more thing and then the one more thing would happen.
I love that we get to hear the story from when you met. By the way our favorite beach is Wrightsville. We go there several times a year. I will now be looking at each little cheap hotel differently and wondering if that was the hotel. We own a house by Fort Campbell and would love to go back there.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey, his journey with me. Thank you for showing me how to be strong in the storm. Thank you for being so honest about the storm.
Your mother in law cracked me up to tell you to wear something sexy. So sounds like something my husband would want. Oh how much more I want to say but do not want to give too much away.
I am honored to have read this book, I am honored that you are a fellow Army wife. I am grateful for your husband’s service.
Playdates and picture hogs-Wordfull Wednesdays
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Miscellany Monday
Sunday, August 4, 2013
35 Weeks, I can hardly believe it myself
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Beach Fun
Friday, August 2, 2013
5 Question Friday
1. What is on your summer 2013 bucket list? Not to have a baby, He needs to hold on until September 1 at least. To get my house really cleaned up and organized.
2. What is the most useless item on your child's back to school list? Backpacks, since they do school at the kitchen table, yet they constantly want new backpacks.
3. What is the one reality TV show that makes no sense to you? Naked and Afraid. I only watched a couple of minutes but seriously they do not show the naked part (not that I would want to see it) but really why show a show called naked when you cannot show naked.
4. What is one movie you can watch over and over again? Why? Fiddler on the Roof, Practical Magic, Sound of Music, Mary Poppins could be watched constantly by me because of the music. I really do not even care about the movie.
Oh wait, Chonda Pierce and Tim Hawkins is probably what we watch the most of. Funny, Funny and no stress if the kids hear it.
5. What's your favorite back to school tradition? Clean bookshelves, new notebooks and fresh pencils

Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes _I wonder what it would be like to have energy and a day to do nothing. ____
2. Time __eases the pain__ but do I allow it__ or am I___determined to hold onto that pain. __
3. My favorite meal to cook is _chicken alfredo____, because __I can eat it for days and make extra chicken for salads for the week.____
4. When it comes to social networking, I log on to encourage other people and laugh about what is going on in the world.

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OPSEC- Just a reminder that anytime I speak of my hero I am changing the time and date of the events. If I say he is flying right now it was probably a week ago. I will never give out exact times and dates. Please understand this is for his safety and his units safety and not to mislead my readers. Please help me follow OPSEC by not asking for exact dates or information.
Petrie Soaps and Stuff
Grab One

My Hero

Rob and I have been married 15 years. He is my hero. Rob is a Warrant Officer in the army. I so look up to this man. He is brilliant. I could not ask for a better husband or father. He is the spiritual leader of our family. I am so blessed to have this man in my life and thank God for him daily.
Faith is my beautiful 16 year old. She teaches me daily how to love myself and others. She loves to help with the little kids She loves to sing and dance and would not be caught in public without make up and jewelry. Faith is Faith, she does not try to impress anyone

Hope is my fiesty 14 year old. Hope loves anything that has to do with animals. She is happiest when she is outside with the goats and chickens. She loves to help in the church nursery. She is as tall as her momma and still growing.
Grace is 11 years old and is my special blessing. Grace was born at 2.12 pounds and was in a hurry to get here. She has been non stop since then. She loves being the baby and makes sure everyone knows it

Jason is 8 . His favorite things to do are to help me clean up and to eat. If you ask him what he wants to do he says I want to go grocery shopping.
James is and a joy to be around. He loves to snuggle and be told that he is doing something right.
My precious newest blessing. Born September.

A C U is the newest addition to our family. She was a stray and found her way (through a friend) to our home. She is so adorable and the kids were instantly in love with her

When we bought our farm house (okay farm is not really true) we decided we would get chickens. My amazing hero agreed to 10 and some how we ended up with 21. I have been told that is called chicken math.

I have to be honest, I love my goats. If it was up to me I would have them walking around the house. We have two for milking and one for meat. Next year we should have three for milking. Although the thought of my baby girl getting pregnant is hard for me.
Howie and Gracie
Search Away
- Feeling Beachie
- Feeling Beachie
- 38 Weeks
- Feeling Beachie
- Wordfull Wednesday
- New Eyes
- 37 Weeks
- A sadday in my house!
- Feeling Beachie
- The Baby is Coming
- Wordful Wednesday
- Feeling Beachie
- My Special Force-Review
- Playdates and picture hogs-Wordfull Wednesdays
- Playdates
- Miscellany Monday
- 35 Weeks, I can hardly believe it myself
- Beach Fun
- 5 Question Friday
- Feeling Beachie