Good morning ladies. I have a lot to say so I will make this simple.
1. Okay now to my doctor’s appointment
a. Office was great and even upset they made me wait 10 minutes (I almost laughed and thought this is great, I am use to waiting forever this is nothing)
b. The doctor walked in and was very nice and pregnant, made a point saying she noticed I noticed she was pregnant
c. She asked why I was here, so I told her. Then asked if she had read my blood results and ultrasound
d. She said yes but what made you get a ultrasound
e. I said that is what the DR said was the next step to get a baseline.
f. She said yeah but now we have to deal with the issues we found, that I have four nodules, that 2 are the size that normal DR’s would biopsy but she said we would just wait 6 months and then re ultrasound. Part of me was happy she did not want to cut into me, part of me was upset she was blowing it off
g. She asked what my symptoms are, so I told her
h. Then she told me that my blood results are almost normal and if I was not having symptoms she would not even medicate me.
i. WHAT- that completely goes against what my DR told me, what I have read on line. I am so confused.
j. She said she was going to put me on meds. That normally you start out at .25 but she was going to start me off at .50. which does not make sense if my numbers are not so bad (according to her)
k. I asked if I should be on any vitamins, that I had read you need certain vitamins to make these meds absorb properly (I had already told her I eat little Debbie cakes and mountain dew for breakfast).
l. She said NO, that in other countries they would say take iodine but we live in the western world and in the western world we get all we need.
m. I asked her if I could be on a natural medicine and she gave me the whole spill on one is the same as the other and she does not see better results with one than the other. At this point I was almost in tears
n. So she listens to my heart and asks if my face is always this flushed, I said no this is new and it happens almost every afternoon or evening.
So here are some of my symptoms:
I freeze constantly. A year ago I kept my A/C on 68 and was warm, this summer I kept it on 76 degrees and was almost chilly. My normal body temp when I was in the hospital for 5 weeks with my last baby was 98.6 now it ranges from96.2-97.5. I have weird pains. Like today my upper right arm and shoulder hurt. One day my toes and knee will hurt, one day my shoulder blades will hurt. Nothing is consistent. My hands and feet are always like ice. I have headaches almost constantly hurts but not like a normal headache, it is like pressure all over my head like my skull is exploding. I have not used birth control since my last baby 5 years ago and still have not gotten pregnant. The biggest issue is I cannot concentrate. I cannot read a book like I use to, I cannot have long conversations because I just fade away or check out no matter what I do. It is horrible and I hate it. We had dinner guest over a few weeks ago and I honestly had to get up and walk away several times because I was so zoning out. I did not want them to think I was ignoring them. I am so stinking tired so often that it is hard to go through the day.
In case you are interested here are some of my basic blood work levels.
Thyroglobul AB 85.1
Thyroid Pero AB 680.1
Tsh sensitive 6.840
FT4 1.03
ESR 26
So I left feeling like I have completely lost my mind. I do not know what to do or think. So the next step is I am going to call my regular DR who was so nice and ask her to review my blood work with me and give me her opinion. I am not going to start the meds she wants me on until I know more. I think I am just really confused as to what to do. Maybe I am making this a bigger deal than it is. If you know anything about thyroid I would love to hear your opinion.