Thursday, February 28, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I am critical__ I am _feeling judged or looked down on.__
2. When I wear _long skirts__ I feel _more like a woman and a mother___
3. When in doubt, __ask God and if you do not hear a answer ask again.___________
4. The easiest way to __get depressed____ is to _allow others to think less of you._________.

Pinterest Chicken and Carrots

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Dog Protection-Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Waiting and Praying
Cream cheese frosting

Monday, February 25, 2013
Why I enjoy my days.

Sunday, February 24, 2013
Miscellany Monday
Public Speaking
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Speach Therapy
Friday, February 22, 2013
5 Question Friday
1. What is a hobby you would love to learn and why? I have two. First, I would like to learn to really decorate cakes. I would make them for kids who did not get cakes or elderly or wives whose spouses are deployed. Second, I wish I had the guts to learn to swim for real. I can imagine swimming laps and relaxing.
2. What do you wish you could have delivered to your house but does not deliver? Chick fil a because sometimes a pregnant woman just needs some waffle fries. Or maybe my local Dollar General becauseics. You know when you run out of scotch tape or toilet paper and you end up running to the store and spending hundreds of dollars. It would be so easy to just call and have it delivered.
3. What's your favorite snow day activity? Inside and out? My favorite inside activity is to bake or make snow cream. As far as outside activities there is not one, if it is cold then I am parked in front of the fire place refusing to move.
4. Would you meet a stranger from an Internet dating site? No way, I do not trust anyone. I think I would spend the entire date trying to figure out what they lied about.
5. If you had to spend 35 hours in a car with 4 other people, who would you choose? Hmm, Oprah no wait I mean Gale for the first one. Then someone who loves praise and worship music as much as I do but cannot hear well so they do not mind my singing. Maybe someone who loves to drive because I cannot stand it. And finally I would choose my husband because life is an adventure and I want him as part of my adventure.

Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1. I can’t believe__my baby boy is 16 and we have a new baby coming. Maybe I should change the name of this blog to Drivers License and Diapers.__
2. I never liked the TV Show _Days of our Lives or any other Soap Opera, I tried to love them when I was younger but the fact that you cannot watch for a year and still know what is going on.____
3. If I were a better mother__________I would most definitely _be making my children a homemade cooked breakfast instead of hoping they sleep another 10 minutes so I can play on the computer_________.
4. I _want to sleep_________ when I __stressed, oh the quietness of a big bed.____________

Thursday, February 21, 2013
Where do I get my strength


Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Pregnancy and Weight Loss update
Pregnancy and weight loss, Oh yeah I am pregnant. I honestly keep forgetting that I am pregnant. It is weird normally I am all over it. This pregnancy is different. We have a lot going on in our lives that are good and bad. A lot of scary personal stuff going on. I ask you to pray for our family over the next couple of months as me make some descions and things get worked out.
The pregnancy is going well. I am ten weeks (11 tomorrow). I am having no pregnancy symptoms. I really only ever have heart burn so I expected no symptoms. As much as I do not want heart burn the relief it brings is great. This Friday night I have an ultrasound. Yes you heard that right my first ultrasound is at 9:30PM on a Friday night. I think it will feel real after I see this little blessing. I saw my endocrinologist this week and she said my levels look good this month. That is great since they were up last week and we had to up my medicine. No side effects of upping the medicine. I will go back in 8 weeks to re do my blood work. Does anyone else reading this have Hashi’s and if so how did you do while you were pregnant?
Weight loss is not happening. Man would I get in trouble if I was. Honestly I normally lose weight while I am pregnant. This time I am not losing. I have gained and lost but not a real loss. I have been 171 since November. I was 171.5 this morning. I have been staying steady at 173. I am trying to get better about adding in fruits to my calories. It is kind of funny that I could stick to 1200 calories a day easily but now that I am up to 1500 I am struggling and rarely stay there. I want to eat more like 2000 and sadly they are not good calories. I am working on it. I do not mind gaining weight but I want it to be good calories and not chocolate muffins and brownies. Please know I am not totally stressing over this.
I have no picture to show because you can’t really see a difference in my belly. My jeans are starting to get tighter but I can still wear them.
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Rolls and Butter

Sunday, February 17, 2013
Miscellany Monday
This week I wanted to make cookies for Valentines Day! They turned out amazing. I made my favorite peanut butter cookies and then added chocolate to the top. Oh man, I am ashamed at how many I ate.
There was one glitch, I turned the oven on to preheat it. Then I got distracted with math and science. When I was finally ready to put the cookies in the oven this is what I found. Potatoes and Bananas. I can pretty much guess which child was cooking this.

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Multi tasking
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Feeling Beachie
This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I _want to bake all day____ that is why_my clothes are getting tighter and tighter. __
2. All I _want___ for ___Valentine’s Day______ is ___to have time alone with my hero___.
3. I __live_________ therefore _I must be willing to suffer__.
4. McDonalds’ is __both disgusting__ and __addicting.

Thursday, February 7, 2013
5 Question Friday
1. What holiday do you wish did not exist? Valentines and Mother's day, you see my amazing almost perfect husband does not know how to buy a gift and I am always left crying and feeling worthless.
2. What is your favorite romance/love movie? Titanic, hmm I am so not good with movie titles.
3. Do you make a big production out of celebrating Valentine's Day? I don't but I wish we did. You know re kindle the love.
4. What is something weird you did as a child? (or even now!) pick my nose, just kidding! umm, play school and house and yes I still play both. I wish I would have taught myself to be more organized as a child when playing house.
5. What makes you love your husband, really LOVE him, you know since Valentines is coming up? the way he can fix anything, the way he is willing to help anyone, the way he fights for his country without regret, the way he provides for his family.

Feeling Beachie
Monday, February 4, 2013
Miscellany Monday
Saturday, February 2, 2013
8 Week Check-Up
So I had my first OB appointment this week. It was almost comical. I got there and they did not have my file pulled and the nurse was irritated. Then they did vitals. They said I had lost almost 2 pounds in the last week. Not true but I will take it.
They gave me the breastfeeding kit; they had been out of them at my intake. I almost laughed when I realized it was a cooler bag full of formula.
So now it is time for the doctor. I was looking forward to hearing the baby’s heart beat but reminding myself that it was still early and sometimes it is hard to find. So the doctor walks in. Short skinny man, with the friendliest smile ever. I am describing him because you are going to wonder why I was not screaming in a minute.
He looks over my records and asks a few more questions. Then he asks me why I am there. I said because the OB intake made the appointment. She said that because I was high risk I needed to be seen soon. I also informed him that she requested an ASAP ultrasound to give an accurate due date. He looked at my chart again (okay file on the computer). Got mad and left the room. A few minutes later he came back and informed me that there was no reason for me to be there. That at 7 weeks nothing could be done. That the other doctor over reactive because my file over whelmed her. He kept reminding myself that I was an intelligent women and I knew how to be pregnant and did not need him to tell me what to do.
I explained some concerns. The main one being that I have had several days of cramping. He asked if I had gone to the ER for it and I said no. There is nothing they could do for it anyways. He reminded me again of how smart I was and that I knew what to do. He also told me I did not need a dating ultrasound. That I have been pregnant multiple times and smart enough to know when I got pregnant.
So after setting in his office for an hour he sent me home. He did not even touch me. He said because I was cramping he would wait for the pelvic exam. He said I could keep the ultrasound appointment and he would see me a couple of days later to go over the results. He did say all of my blood work and pregnancy hormone levels looked normal. I also asked him why my pants already feel tight even though I have not gained weight. He reminded me of my age and how many babies I have already had. With my last pregnancy I was 6 months and still did not quite look pregnant. I am hoping that is not the case. I personally think you should find out you are pregnant on Monday and be huge by Friday.
I was very calm and while I did tell him that I have many children at home who need me I was not going to pitch a fit because of the wasted time. He told me he was going to pitch a fit over wasting my time.
So here I am 8 weeks pregnant and know nothing new. My ultrasound appointment is on a Friday night at 9:30pm. Is that not the craziest thing you have ever heard in your life? Maybe I will make a date night of it with my hero.
So how am I feeling? I am super excited to be pregnant. I cannot wait to see what this blessing is. I cannot wait to feel him/her move. Sadly, we have had so much going on that I have not allowed myself to set and really enjoy it.
I do have a question? Where does one buy maternity clothes and are they even worth it?
Building Fun
Friday, February 1, 2013
5 Question Friday
1. What is your favorite book to read with your kids? I love you forever. I love it because they love me to sing it to them but I can still read it to them.
2. After having kids, what body part has changed the most? TMI, my breasts are gone. So gone and then I lost 81 pounds and what was left went away. Now that I am pregnant it is a little better but not much.
3. Would you ever go back to college? What would you study? The thought of college scares me as in I am scared I will fail but I would love to go back to college and become a counselor for teenagers. There are not very many out there.
4. How do you close a phone call? Bye, bye bye or other?
Bye is my goal but half the time I tell everyone I love you and sound like a fool.
5. What is the one food that will always be your "cheat food" on a diet? Chocolate chip cookies or chocolate cake is the one thing I cannot live without. I actually tell everyone who ask about my weight loss that I never denied myself chocolate cake.

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