Thursday, April 3, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. Having _7 kid’s ________ of____different ages_______ helps me__not loose it during the hard stages because I know what comes next. _______ 2. I _go the YMCA___________ to ___work out alone, shower alone, go to the restroom ALONE.____________ 3. The first thing I do in the AM is __take my thyroid medicine and drink a bottle of water_-/li> 4. Tomorrow morning I am going to __go to the YMCA and put children in childcare then work out and then if the baby is still okay I am going to set in the hot tub by myself before showering by myself. This could be the best two hours of my life.___
Feeling Beachie


Hilary said...

7 kids - I don't know how you do it!

retired not tired said...

Time alone is hard to find especially with 7 kids. Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Very genuine, and slightly amusing, answers!

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