Thursday, October 9, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements are: 1.Today is _amzing because_my husband is off, even if he is off shooting. _ 2.___fogivenes__ is not little when it is about____ abouth ealing your heart__ 3.To have a friend you must_be a friend, a true, a listening, giving friend___ 4.I wish I had__paid closer attention__ in high school and not_just skimmed by. Because now i am teaching this to my children and it is HARD.___ Do you have questions you would like answered. Leave them in my comments or click on the link and send them to Hillary. The code is:


retired not tired said...

Your last 2 statements got me thinking. Thanks for coming up with them.

Unknown said...

Oh man, I'm totally with you on the high school - when it comes to Math. I sooooo wish I had tried harder to actually understand it instead of just doing enough to get by too. Although I get Math now, it would've been so useful for me when I was in college! LOL!

LA Botchar said...

I've never felt stupid as when I am helping my kids with their homework. I mean, did they change how everything was done? because it doesn't look like the math I took in school - and I paid attention.

Hilary said...

as for #4 hindsight sadly is always 20/20

Elizabeth said...

Adorable new baby.

I hope you enjoyed your husband's day off.

Have a great week.

Silver's Reviews
My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

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