Monday, December 15, 2014

Crazy Smells

Do crazy things ever happen to you? The other day I was shopping and all the sudden we started smelling a Christmas  tree. The two employees and I decided someone must have broke one of those little oil bottles. 
Fast forward and I smell this sell again. I was beginning to think that it was a culture thing and maybe it is what everyone does around here.
That was until yesterday. I asked my son to bring me my wallet. I instantly smelled that smell. You know the one that has followed me all around town. 
So why did my wallet smell like pine? Because we were given one of those oil things you plug into the wall and since I don't have the actually the plastic thing. So I took the lid off and left it in my cil holder in my car. Because honestly my vehicle is stinky and dirty. What I forgot I always throw my wallet in my cup holder.
So I guess our town is not known for loving the tree scent. It was me all along.
  Please tell me this is normal? That these crazy things happen to other people.


Beckey said...

Not exactly the same thing, but not too long ago I woke up smelling what I can only describe as burnt toast. So strong I got up to see why the male offspring was making himself a snack at 3am. (He wasn't) I still have not figured that one out!!


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