Dear Rob,
We are doing good. We miss you. We had a wonderful day. I went to pick up Michael's testing this morning. Kinda useless. His spelling scores are lower than normal but not bad but his reading is higher. He said that did not make since. His Asperger's test were not done. So I have to go back in a few days and pick up the final test.
We came home and I got all the clothes from the weekend put away. I got the girls closet cleaned out. Faith got her closet and dresser straightened out. The school stuff still has not shipped. So tomorrow I will work on getting laundry put away and basic straightening. I feel like I am nesting (I am not PREGNANT). I have a desire to clean out closets and re organize. I want to work on Welcome Home signs tomorrow. I told the kids we may even go to one this week so they will understand the process and I think it is a nice way to support other people.
I love you babe but I am going to head to bed. I know I have been going to bed earlier and earlier. The sad thing is I am not falling asleep like I should. I am trying to sleep on MY side of the bed and can I just say it is hard. I think we need a king bed. I love you, have I told you that today.
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