While we waited for him to be released for the night I sent this picture out by twitter and facebook. A friend of mine left a comment that has made me think daily about our relationship. She said "There are soooo many things I love about this picture.....y'all are kissing and smiling at the same time.....this really belongs on the cover of a magazine!!! ......oh yeah I also like how y'all are belly to belly with the weapon......Hot! lol"
I bet you are thinking, okay what is making you think? She said you are belly to belly with the weapon. It has really made me think about how much that gun or the Army has been between us. Not only have I been thinking about the Army coming between us but what about all the other things that we let come between us. And all the walls I put up between us before a deployment that I have to struggle to let down. I let facebook come between us, friends, nights out with the girls, me time. What about laundry and the kids, I even let the things that are important come between us and it is wrong. I am determined to put my husband first more often.
So how can I put my husband first? Well I can make sure that I think about him when I make out the menu. My husband will eat anything that is put in front of him (except sweat potatoes) and yet I cook the same meals over and over. I can make a point of listening to him when he is talking about fixing the chain saw or what he wants for his boat. I can make a point of setting next to him in church instead of putting children between us. I can go fishing with him. To me that has to be the silliest thing in the world, why would I want to set on a dock with bugs flying around for no reason. The reason is because it is something that thrills my husband. How do you put your husband first on a daily basis? I would love to hear your ideas. Let's work on this together and show our husbands why they are important.
For now I am going to stay in a camper with my husband for the weekend. A camper with no dishwasher and no internet! But you know what it is worth it because we will be smooching and talking and planning our future and just enjoying the fact that we are together and ALONE.
Congrats on having your husband home!! I hope you enjoy your time with him. Love the picture too!
Oh wow. You are a better woman than me! Camping? No thanks. Fishing? Not for me! But he could do those things if he wanted to and I'd have a nice dinner waiting when he got back. You are a great wifey and I hope your man knows that!
I think it is so important to put each other first. Mister and I had many troubles with this when we first started going out. I was still stuck in my party phase and he was just getting done with his. I realized that I needed to snap out of it and open my eyes to what was important; our relationship. While we were having troubles we sat down on skype - since hes based in japan and i'm here in the states - and just talked about what we needed from each other to make us work. I can't say that its been easy, we both have fallen short at times, but we try and that's whats important. I've learned that the simple and little things are the most important.
You are a wonderful wife and mother - don't forget that! :)
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