I think every week when I do this, I will introduce myself a little more. This week I will tell you more about our military life.
1. my hero is home on block leave right now and we are enjoying it
2. we have a budget and try to stick to it as best we can
3. my husband is eligble for his next promotion next September and I can not wait, who knows maybe we will be able to move
4. My husband is taking my children away for 6 days to stay at a camp ground and I am NOT going
About Army Wives-the show
I watched last night, cried like I always do. I will say I was thinking the General either died or became a POW but I did not think they would show him being rescued so quickly. I can not believe they did not really leave any cliff hangers. I am already looking forward to the new season. As soon as it was over I rolled over and snuggled with my husband and told him thank you for coming home. I know it is silly but I really do feel like this show is alot like the real army life.
I do the same thing every time I watch Army Wives too :)
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