5 more things you do not know about our military life
1. Three of my four children were born at Fort Campbell, two in the same room.
2. My husband came home from Iraq 3 years ago with PTSD, he is a changed man. I am so glad that we lived (or are living) through that
3. My husband was in the reserves for 2 years before he went Active
4. After 16 years in the Army I still can not rememer rank
5. I really do not care about protocol, if you are my friend you are my friend. I do not caree about rank. Yeah, yeah I know I would not have one of my husbands soldiers over while he was home.
And in case you did not know my husband has been home 11 days from his seventh deployment.
Thank you for joining in the Military Monday carnival! I really agree about friendships. It is hard enough to make good friends without having to worry about what their husbands do for a living! Sorry to hear about your DH's PTSD but glad to hear that you are making it through!
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