1. If you could be a fugitive from the law for whatever reason, what would your crime be? (from It’s a Hooah Life)As in what have I done wrong, it would be speeding. As in what I would want to do wrong, it would be to deal with a few people from my past
2. How long do you think you will be a military family? (from Julie the Army Wife)
maybe another 6 years, could be another 13 years. honestly as a W1 he could stay in until he is 60
3. What’s your favorite recipe? (from Keep Calm and Soldier On)
no bake cookies are my favorite, but I have a ton on my blog
4. What would you want your last five words to be when you leave this life? (from My Goal is Simple)
Love God with your heart
5. Where do you hope to retire? (from Pennies from Heaven)? This is hard, we have no idea where we want to retire. We both know we do not want to move back home
Great answers! I love your number 4. That was a great question wasn't it? I know it made me really think. :) Hope you're having a great weekend!
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