Thursday, January 31, 2013

Feeling Beachie

1. I was probably the only kid in the world who _had a mother who could do cart wheels down the middle of the street. ___ 2. __Orange juice__ is my favorite juice; seriously I only like orange and apple. 3. I never thought I would_drive a big vehicle___until I_child 5 and 6 came and now we have to get a even bigger vehicle. _ 4. I have always wanted to_learn to swim____ but__I have trust issues and do not trust I will continue to breath under water. ___ Pamela


Print-and-stitch said...

You must have had a really fun mum : )

Rosey said...

I love the convenience of a big vehicle, but the gas is sooooooo outrageous!

hilary said...

I learned to swim as a kid, but didn't like the breathing part - so really never swam. A few years ago I concured my fears!

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