Thursday, March 7, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1. Sometimes I wonder if I should _mop my kitchen my floor__ but I know I won’t. 2. A _kitchen floor__ is very _hard to keep clean, no matter how hard I try.__ 3. I got _red hair____ from my _grandmother, only her hair never grayed like mine.____ 4. _Tudors Biscuit World____ make(s) the best _biscuits in the world and I could really use one right now. _____ Pamela


Judy said...

Someone asked my granddaughter where her red hair came from and she said from her grandmother of course. The laugh is only Miss Clairol knows for sure.

hilary said...

I hear you about the floor - we have black tiles and still have construction dust....

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