Friday, June 13, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements are: 1. My husband___ is __the bravest, strongest, man I have ever met.__ 2. Do you ever wonder if _you will have a day to do nothing but eat bon bons and watch soap operas (do they still have soap operas)___ 3.When I relax _I feel guilty__ because __I know there is a list of things that need done.__ 4. the one food I only eat at a restaurant is _fried chicken__ because _I have no idea how to fry food. Fried food is our splurge when we go out.___ The code is:


retired not tired said...

I eat a lot of chicken when I go out as well

Unknown said...

Thank you to you and your husband!

Anonymous said...

My husband makes the best fried chicken. When we have anything fried, he usually does it.

Hilary said...

Restaurants have those big fryers… so much easier!

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