Friday, June 20, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. I __am so excited about our third week at farmers market.__ 2. Once I _believed I would never have gray hair because my grandmother did not___now _I just pay to have my hair colored.____ 3. there is a _fine line__ between _being over protective mom__ and __being a mom who can keep her child safe.___/li> 4. Did you ever __skip school? Only one time that my mom did not know about but a ton of times that my mom did allow, she was pretty cool that way.___
Feeling Beachie


retired not tired said...

I never actually skipped school. I won an award for perfect attendance.

Hilary said...

Wouldn't it be nice if we could be naturally gray free?

Elizabeth said...

Never skipped school.

I didn't have gray hair until a few years ago, but there still aren't that many. Just enough of them to have to color my hair.

Cute blog.
Silver's Reviews
My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

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