Thursday, November 13, 2014

Feeling Beachie

The statements: 1. I just _want a mountain dew, a cold mountain dew from Taco Bell. I don’t even know if we have a Taco Bell here.___ 2. Winter___ is _here, we have snow today. I am not ready.____ 3. If I could, I would __stop eating sugar. ______ 4. cheesecake_____makes me__remember my friends from North Carolina.____
Feeling Beachie


Kismaslife said...

Winter is here too with single digit temps - brrr! Snow I don't mind.. but the temps need to go back up - waaaaay up.

Cheesecake is good!

retired not tired said...

Winter is certainly trying to make its way here as well. Hope you get your mountain dew.

Jodi said...

Mmmmmm cheesecake!!! Have a great Friday!

Anonymous said...

You mean there isn't a Taco Bell everywhere? Wow. I hope you find that Mountain Dew.

LA Botchar said...

I love Mountain Dew!! I cannot remember the last time I had one. And we had some snow today too. and no, I am not ready to use that "s" word yet either.

Unknown said...

wow. more people getting snow already and Thanksgiving isn't even here yet. coldness.
and if i could, i would stop eating sugar too. but it makes everything taste good! ;)

Elizabeth said...

Ooooo....I love cheesecake.

It is FREEZING here too. I want summer so I can sit outside on my back porch and blog and read. :)

ENJOY your weekend.

Silver's Reviews
My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

Hilary said...

I've never been a fan of mountain dew

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