Monday, July 25, 2016

The Meaning of VBS

VBS, that is all that needs said about this picture over load. I had a great week at VBS. The laughter the crafts, the music, and the cow. We cannot forget about buttercup. 
This week my husband did crafts and honestly I loved it. I saw a side of him I have not seen in a very long time. 

He came up with the decorations on his own. He made the kids laugh and smile and get excited about learning. Isn't that the goal? For our children to not only learn the word of God but to be excited about it. To want to know him deeper on a real level. 

The crafts are fun, the music is remembered for years but the verses, the verses they hide in there heart and one day when they need them the verses are there. 

I can't say thank you enough to all of the people who worked at VBS. Who spent time decorating and teaching and preparing to minister to my children's hearts

Especially to the young man who were the cow costume all week in the heat. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Bladder Will Loose

Sometimes life is funny. You see right this minute I am in a beautiful cabin deep in the woods ( okay maybe not too deep) with 4 other wonderful ladies. 
 It has been a amazing trip. Time to rest and talk and just be who I am with no threat of judgement. So this morning I woke up at 5:30 ( oops forgot to turn on the alarm). I came outside to enjoy the view and call my amazing husband. 
  This all sounds perfect. There is just one problem. I forgot to unlock the door when I came out. So instead of setting on the porch enjoying the view while listening to the rain fall all around me. I am setting here wondering if I could walk into the woods and go to the bathroom without falling. Because of course between my crazy bladder and the rain and the locked door I have to go potty. 
  What was I thinking? So for now I will set and enjoy the view and not move or bounce and think about the rain? What do you think , will it work? Will this mom who has delivered multiple kids and is in her fourties win or will the sound of the rain be too much for my bladder?

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Leftover Bread

I am often asked what I do with the bread that does not sell each week. I always tell customers that I have 7 kids so it is eaten. 
With the wheat bread we make grill cheese only we use garlic butter and add pepperoni and add pizza sauce as a meal. 
With the sweet breads I have a couple of options. I can cube them and put on skewers and add fruit. We make French toast out of the banana and pumpkin bread. I also make French toast casserole. 
Nothing goes to waste here. In a dream world I would sell out of bread but this is the real world and some weeks we have left over bread. So we turn it into wonderful treats. 
 I would love to hear how you use up your leftovers. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How To Help Me Earn a New Wallet

There are few products I really love and the main one is 31. I love 31 bags because they help keep my life organized. If you have ever been around me you know my life needs to be organized. I love 31 bags because they are so durable. I have one that I use as a diaper bag, my favorite thing about my diaper bag is that I have washed it more times that I can count. I also use my bags at the farmers market. I use a thermal bag to keep my deodorants and chap sticks in and cold drinks. I use my other bags until they are over flowing. After three years the bag has not ripped and the handles are still not holding up. I am currently having a online 31 party. My goal is to earn a new 31 wallet. My friend bought one from my last show and every time I see it I realize how user friendly it is and how it is holding up better than my current wallet that I have not had as long as hers. If you would like to see some of these amazing bags or help me reach my goal check out my party on our facebook page.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Too Tired for Popcorn

When you are so tired that you have to lay down to eat your popcorn. 
Poor guy. 
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