Day one of our trip
We left the house about 8 am; I could not seem to motivate myself to get out of the house. We dropped Curly off at the Vet. No need to be worried, when I left he was having his belly rubbed by one of the employees.
Can I say I DISLIKE my GPS. I rely on it more than I should. MapQuest and my phone said it would take 6 hours and the GPS says it would take 7.5. I followed the GPS but was not happy about it. About 5 hours into it I saw a sign that said Charleston/Bluefield. I know I should have taken it but I chose to follow the GPS. For some reason that thing made me go all the way to KY. Then we got stuck behind a accident on the top of a mountain in the sun for over 30 minutes. I think I burned my left arm. I wish I could have taken pictures. We saw some of the prettiest scenery. The kids just kept saying ooh and ahhhh. We did stop at a cool gas station. Because we decided there was no need to hurry.
When we got in town we had an hour to kill before picking up my mom so we drove around. I showed the kids one of my Elementary schools, my junior high and my high school. They thought it was the coolest thing ever. We picked up my mom. I wish I would have had my camera. They took off running towards her.
We stopped and got Gino’s for dinner. I ate my pizza sub slowly, enjoying the taste. AHHHHHHHHHH it was good. It is so funny what you remember from home. I remember the brick roads, I remember how they park, the big hill by my elementary school. I could not take pictures because it was raining but I promise to do it this week.
What are your favorite things about going home? Do you still live in the town you grew up in? I moved out when I was 17. I do not think I would want to live here again but it is fun to visit. I am hoping to have time to visit with friends but we are going out of town with my MIL on Tuesday and Wednesday and again on Friday and Saturday. On Monday we are taking the girls to get haircuts and pedicures. I am looking forward to it.
I moved out at 18 and sometimes I wish I still lived there. Not with my parents but in the same town...lol I love just being in a place I have known pretty much my whole life. Things have changed, lots of new building going on but still. It is home. I am going to visit in about 2 weeks. I can't wait!
My favorite part about going home is being able to just FEEL it. Driving around, and all the memories and smells, and feelings that come back. Being able to see mountains in every direction and the 6 lane freeways. EVERYTHING!!
I dont have a gPS, i rely on my phone. LOL..
I'm sure the girls will love the pedicures'
I went to school in too many different towns to have a *home* to go to. And then my parents went and retired in Texas so for me to go visit Maine would require the expense of hotels. Just haven't ever fit that into the budget. Wish we could.
Sounds like you had a pleasant trip (scenery and lack of rush) even if your GPS took you the long way. Have fun at *home.*
Wow. Mean GPS! Glad you made it to your destination safely though. I remember spending summers at my grandma's house and I still remember certain things, like the pear tree in the backyard. The white rocks in the front yard, the field across the street, the red ball in the garage, my grandpa's tools outlined on the "tool board." I've lived in way too many places to even know what "going home" feels like other than my grandma's house, but she passed almost 20 years ago.
Enjoy your visit and your pedicures! I need one of those pretty badly! LOL!
I love the Ozark mountains in the spring when it's all green and gorgeous. I love listening to the cicadas on a hot summer night. Missouri is home to me by birth, but I don't want to live there. At least not near family. The other side of the state might be far enough away....actually Europe was JUST far enough away. ;)
Wow that sounds great! Whenever I visit home I go from green trees to skyscrapers. I'm originally from NY and I live in MD. :o) Hope you have a great time!
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