I thought I would tell you a little about myself. I have been married to my hero for almost 15 years. We were high school sweethearts. There is another story in the middle that I will explain one day. My hero has been in the Army for 16 years and active for 13. We have been through seven deployments. He has been to Bosnia, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Albania, Iraq, and Iraq and is currently in Iraq AGAIN.
I have four wonderful children. We chose to home school seven years ago and have never looked back (well maybe on days like today when I am tired).
I love to cook and bake. I have recently learned some basic sewing skills. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I will be honest and say I love when people read my blog but ultimately it is written for me and my husband. I am not a professional writer, my grammar and spelling are not perfect and I do not take the time to edit my post because there is usually a baby in my lap or I am getting up every 30 seconds to kiss a boo boo or check a math problem.

I'm yours newest follower! :) I hope you'll stop by and follow me back!
p.s.- I'm a Coastie wife! :)
"sounds like a plan, have you toured the hospital yet. do not worry about the bag. even if you do not have it when u go into labor someone can bring it to you or DH can run and get it after delivery. did u pack snacks for after the baby is born. Here is another great tip i always give first time mom. freeze your maxi pads, they help with swelling and work just as well. if they hospital is not offering you frozen pads then ask for ice and a ziploc and freeze your own. they make a wonderful difference"
Yes, we have! We took birthing classes and during that time we were able to tour where I will give birth, it was nice to see how clean and nice everything was! I need to pack snacks still, but still thinking of what would be best! Thanks for the tip, I have never heard that, but it is a great idea!!
i'm a new follower! i've been trying to get into doing more crafts, maybe i can pick up some tips and ideas here :-) your kids are adorable... love the names!!
Just visiting for the first time - you've got a lovely blog!
You have a wonderful blog!! Looking forward to following!
I'm your newest Social parade friend. :)
Visiting from Social Parade! Lovely blog! Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi - new follower from Social Parade! Please give my blog a visit and follow along!
xo Erin
I need your blog name so i can check out your blog
You are SUPER cool! And a super MOM too! WOW Homeschooling is hard! GJ!
I liked reading about you...Following you now, come follow me and say hi :)
Happy blog hop!
I'm now following you! Happy Friendly Friday!! Great blog! I love that you too are a CHRIST follower! Love the scripture.....
I'd love you to visit mine, I saw you like recipes, and I have too many of them!:
I am glad to of found your blog. I am your newest follower. I am visiting you from friendly friday :)
Please follow me back...
You have a lovely blog and I am your new follower as well. I will visit again to more of your new blog posts. You can visit me at http://showmemama.blogspot.com
Hi ... New follower from Social Parade. : )
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