2. What are you passionate about? freedom, being able to homeschool, being able to have as many children as I want, getting animals from animal shelters instead of breeders
3. How long have you been blogging? 16 months
4. What is your favorite "summer" drink? mountain dew slushies when I can find them
5. What is your favorite type of music? praise and worship or country music if it is patriotic
6. Something I do before I go to bed is......? check to see if my husband has e-mailed, check the locks
7. My Summer vacation plans are...? visit my family, I have never gone home alone so this is a big step
8. My favorite must have, can't live without, beauty product is? my aussie hair products. I have used them since high school and my hero loves it

Good answers. My daughter lovesMt. Dew slushies to. I love gospe music and patiotic music, country style (Toby Keith)
Ok I would have to tell someone if they had a visitor hanging out of their nose but it would be something like making the gesture and letting them know to clean their nose off! LOL
Good luck on your first solo trip. Hope it goes smoothly for you!
There's a place in Lebanon, MO just off I-44 that has Mountain Dew slushies if you ever find yourself stationed at Fort Leonard Wood. ;)
Where does your family live? good luck with the trip!
where does your family live? good luck with the trip!
Oooh, I forgot about slushies during the summer... I love cherry or coke flavored!! :p
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