When receiving this award tell 7 things about yourself and pass it on. Thank you Jessica for the award. It says list 7 things about yourself but I have already listed over 100 things here: Part 6 and part 5 and part four and part three and part three and part two and part one
Now for some other things you may not know about me.
1. I do a quick spell check on my post but nothing more. I know I have gotten some slack (okay, I have been bashed ) because I do not use proper grammar and spelling. I feel like my blog is a way for me to journal my thoughts and hopes and dreams and not someplace for me to spend hours editing.
2. I have 2 loads of laundry setting on my love seat waiting to be put away right not. Honestly, that is not normal, normally I have at least 3 or 4.
3. I am in love with my children. I love to hug them and watch them sleep. I go in every night and hug them after they are asleep and just watch them breathe.
4. I forgive all of those who hurt me growing up. I carry there scares like tattoos on my body.
5. If I had the time I would learn to finish things. For example I know basic cake decorating, basic sewing, basic scrapbooking, basic card making but really I do not do anything all the way.
6.Last night I cried harder than I have ever before and I am not totally for sure why.
7. I honestly have the life I dreamed of growing up. I have four children and a house for my blessings. I have a husband who would do anything in the world for me. He would do it without question or complaining.
Okay, I know it says that I am supose to send this to other bloggers but I am not going to. OOH, I get to be a rule breaker. So what I am going to say is if you are reading my blog then you deserve a award and here it is for the taking.
I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I have yours. Fun and interesting. I am now a follower.
God Bless, Bob West
This is a beautiful post! I love these things about you! I'm new to your blog but I can definitely agree that I need to do laundry in a BIG way and I watch my Little Butt sleep every night too. I have to go in and look at her and kiss her forehead before I can sleep.
I'm so sorry you cried last night. But it's definitely good to get it all out.
Ummmmm, Who is being mean to you!?!?! That does not make me happy!
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