Yesturday Grace came in and asked me to play outside with her because no one else would. I am so not a outside girl. She said "mommy, we need alone". I have wanted to get on the trampoline for a long time but have been too scarred. So I took her on the trampoline. I can not believe that I am posting pictures of me in a tank top. We normally do not allow tank tops so I have no idea why I had one on. I also have no idea why my teeth look green because I promise they are not. I know one day my babies will be big and not want time alone with me so I am determined to enjoy them while I can.
Love it! My sister has a trampoline too. I only get on there occasionally, but it's soooo much fun! And scary! My son loves when I jump with him - I should do it more often :)
I didn't notice green teeth or a tank top. I noticed a Mom smiling, a daughter having fun and a memory being built. Children grow and time slips away...find your strength in these moments for they are the ones that truly matter most.
I don't see any green teeth. Looks like fun though! Oh, and I wouldn't be able to hack it there...I LIVE in tank tops in the summer. Those and my flip flops are a must have.
How fun!!! I feel the same way!! I sent your sewing machine cover yesterday!! Sorry it took so long - I ended up going out of town for a week with the hubby! I got your camera straps and I will use one and save one for the Blogmania!!!!! Thanks!!
So sweet! How fun. It is so important to spend the time with our kids while they are young. I've really been trying to do that more often and have the attitude well they're not always gonna want to....whatever with us so we should soak it up while we can. They grow up so fast! :)
It scared{not scarred} me to see another example of your poor grammer and spelling{please learn to spellcheck} when you told the story of how you got on the trampoline yesterday{not yesturday}.
What are you teaching your children~how to spell bad and how to use the worst grammer? Having been an elementary teacher before retiring, to think you are homeschooling your 13 year old~your grammer is I would estimate~around the thrid or fourth grade. You should be learning better grammer just by teaching your oldest. Maybe you and your husband should discuss your habit of spending so much time worshipping Mckmama and other big bloggers insteading of teaching your children. Please pay close attention to what you are teaching your children and rethink the idea that you are helping them by homeschooling~if your grammer and spelling are an example of your level of education~you really should NOT be teaching them. My last class of 4th graders could spell and use much better grammer than you show on here.
Dear Broken Angel Wings (two words not one), I know this is not the place to start an all out war but I feel that I must address your obvious attack on here.
I'm not sure who gave you the Grammer hat and appointed you the Language Witch but obviously you didn't show up when they handed out the side of kindness, couth or compassion. Seems that you have all the "knowledge" and none of the wisdom.
I do not know Mrs. Petrie. I have never met her, emailed her or talked to her on the phone. I do not know the state she lives in or if she drinks coffee or tea. I read her blog because she is dealing with Army life. For her, writing is her outlet and a way to keep her husband close. I respect that because I am also an Army wife. The feelings of emptiness and silence are ones I understand and can relate to.
I do not know you. I have never met you, emailed you or talked to you in person (a fact that I will thank God for tonight when I say my prayers). I don't know the state you live in or if you drink coffee or tea. What I do know is that you are miserable person and that I really don't WANT to know anything about you.
If you don't like what Mrs. Petrie writes perhaps you should stop reading. Move on to another blog. Take your misery somewhere else. In other words, "Get Lost". I'm pretty sure that she's not writing it for you anyway. You don't have to like it but how about you realize that it is not really about you anyway.
Anyone can teach 4th grade grammer. The hard lessons are the ones that can't be learned in a book. Obviously those are the ones that you have never learned. In that arena, I have no doubt that Mrs. Petrie knows far more than you ever will.
Now go away and leave the Army family alone because even when we are alone, we are all in this together. And that's probably another lesson that you have yet to learn.
I replied to broken angelwings. I know I probably shouldn't have but I was so angry when I read what she had wrote. Feel free to delete my reply if you wish. I won't be offended.
It seems sadly appropriate that in this attack you made on another for spelling and grammar ... you misspelled *third.*
I think Lucky Dimes has written an excellent response and I will not reiterate what she has written but I will comment on another aspect of your attack ... an attack on home schooling. I spent 20+ years as a home educator and know something about Christian home school families that you have apparently not discovered. We choose to home educate our children for many reasons but primary among them is to nurture and develop their character as well as their minds! We are not perfect ... just called! It makes it harder when we are attacked by people who are not in possession of all the facts but we persevere because we are home schooling to please God and to raise responsible adults of strong character. We are not making this life style choice and sacrifice of time and energy for your approval!
I believe what concerns me the most about your response is that you spelled the word "grammar" (the topic of your rant) incorrectly each time you used it. When correcting others on their spelling/grammar, you might want to make sure yours is accurate before posting.
When I write on my blog.. I prefer to pour out my feelings and thoughts.. I am not writing an essay. I tend to put dots at the end of my sentences... I find it sad that this happened to you. I love your writings, you are an encouragement to me!
One good thing about such a bad comment.. is you can see all the love from your readers pouring out on here. :-)
When your daughter is an adult, I bet she'll have these pictures tucked away somewhere as a reminder. You're an awesome mom- not many would get out there on the trampoline like that. ~Katie
Oh Pam! Fret not. You're wonderful and kudos to you for getting on that trampoline! I bet you made your kids' day today. As a side note, one of the most respected teachers I work with has no spelling ability. Does that make her less of an effective teacher? Absolutely not. You keep on keeping on!
I also love that you can laugh at the misspelling grammar police troll who chose your blog today! Hahaha! Perhaps that person should spend more time on their spelling and less time bashing bloggers they don't know? heehee
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Your grammar and spelling need some work also. People should take a long hard look in the mirror before they put others down. I always tell my children that unless you are perfect (which nobody is) then you should not to judge anyone else.
It is precious that your daughter enjoys playing with you! Those moments are fleeting... I need to remember to take advantage of each and every one of them!
Wow, that was rude! First off, I spotted 3 grammatical errors in your disrespectful comment and 1 misspelling. I also noticed incorrect use of punctuation about 4 times. Hmmm, sounds like he who is without sin may cast the first stone. Maybe instead of making others feel inadequate for their shortcomings, you should be working toward becoming better at those things yourself.
If it is the case that you don't like this blog or what this author reads it may be a good time to stop reading it and let this author and her opinions alone.
Don't you love how how some people are "experts" in a certain area...only to TOTALLY blow their cover with their own glaring mistakes?
She who calls herself a "retired teacher" is most likely a miserable person hell bent on bringing someone down with her. I'm guessing there is NO teaching in her background whatsoever. Hold your head high Pam, you're awesome!
you are so cute jumping on the trampoline with your kiddos! so sorry about the meanie who commented. you have all your blog friends who quickly intervened on your that's some love! =)
Oh dear broken angel wings, I guess you weren't a very good elementary teacher were you?
As many have pointed out - it's grammar. Not grammer.
"How to spell bad" should be "how to spell badly" or better, "incorrectly."
3rd is spelled third. Not thrid.
When putting a dash between words - use the spacebar as I have. Don't just smoosh it all together.
Your grammar is - I would estimate - around the second grade. You should be learning better grammar just by correcting other blogs. If your grammar and spelling are an example of your level of education - you really should NOT be correcting others.
I love, love, LOVE that you jumped on the trampoline with your children like that!! They will certainly file that wonderful memory away for years to come.
I suppose it is easy to jugde another when just looking at the surface. A misspelled word, an incorrect syntax, even an incomplete though for all the world to see. What you obviously don't see is my dear friend Pam. My fellow Army wife, homeschool warrior, Godly servant, give her life for her kids mom. The Pam who always has a house full of kids because she is babysitting for free (again). The boy scout/ heritage girls mom who is again organizing half of the troops activities. The homeschool mom so beloved by her homeschool cover families that we still don't know what we are going to do without her this year. The friend who lent me her ear as my 3 sons were diagnosed with autism. The fellow mom of an angel baby who cried with me when my babies died before they took a breath. The one who is always at your door with a hot meal and a homemade card when someone is sick. The wive who not only organizes care packages for her deployed husband, but mine too. The mom who would lay down her life for her kids, but at times struggles with feelings of being inadiquite. The home educator who spends a dear chunk of the family budget on curriculum for her kids because who among us is an expert in everything. The woman who has the deepest heart for God and desire to serve him than most of the people I know. I suppose it is easy to tear apart a person who types and posts faster than she edits, but if you examined a little closer you might discover a few things more important than spell check.
OPSEC- Just a reminder that anytime I speak of my hero I am changing the time and date of the events. If I say he is flying right now it was probably a week ago. I will never give out exact times and dates. Please understand this is for his safety and his units safety and not to mislead my readers. Please help me follow OPSEC by not asking for exact dates or information.
Petrie Soaps and Stuff
All of our soaps are made using milk from our beautiful goats and are made by my husband and I.
Let's Be Social
Grab One
My Hero
Rob and I have been married 15 years. He is my hero. Rob is a Warrant Officer in the army. I so look up to this man. He is brilliant. I could not ask for a better husband or father. He is the spiritual leader of our family. I am so blessed to have this man in my life and thank God for him daily.
Michael is almost 20 years old. No longer my little boy who needs mom to make his PB&J. He is currently a student at Pensacola Bible College studying to be a Evangelist. He still enjoys video games and hanging out with friends.
Faith is my beautiful 16 year old. She teaches me daily how to love myself and others. She loves to help with the little kids She loves to sing and dance and would not be caught in public without make up and jewelry. Faith is Faith, she does not try to impress anyone
Hope is my fiesty 14 year old. Hope loves anything that has to do with animals. She is happiest when she is outside with the goats and chickens. She loves to help in the church nursery. She is as tall as her momma and still growing.
Grace is 11 years old and is my special blessing. Grace was born at 2.12 pounds and was in a hurry to get here. She has been non stop since then. She loves being the baby and makes sure everyone knows it
Jason is 8 . His favorite things to do are to help me clean up and to eat. If you ask him what he wants to do he says I want to go grocery shopping.
James is and a joy to be around. He loves to snuggle and be told that he is doing something right.
My precious newest blessing. Born September.
A C U is the newest addition to our family. She was a stray and found her way (through a friend) to our home. She is so adorable and the kids were instantly in love with her
When we bought our farm house (okay farm is not really true) we decided we would get chickens. My amazing hero agreed to 10 and some how we ended up with 21. I have been told that is called chicken math.
I have to be honest, I love my goats. If it was up to me I would have them walking around the house. We have two for milking and one for meat. Next year we should have three for milking. Although the thought of my baby girl getting pregnant is hard for me.
Love it! My sister has a trampoline too. I only get on there occasionally, but it's soooo much fun! And scary! My son loves when I jump with him - I should do it more often :)
Good for you!!
I didn't notice green teeth or a tank top. I noticed a Mom smiling, a daughter having fun and a memory being built. Children grow and time slips away...find your strength in these moments for they are the ones that truly matter most.
What a fun time! I need to remind myself of these things- that my kids will remember me out playing with them more than anything else.
Thanks for linking up!
HAH! So much fun! I miss our trampoline...the kids got me on it every now and then too. LOL I don't think your teeth look green! tee hee
Fun!! It was sweet she wanted to play with you, and you'll both remember that you did!! ANd there were NO green teeth!!
I don't see any green teeth. Looks like fun though! Oh, and I wouldn't be able to hack it there...I LIVE in tank tops in the summer. Those and my flip flops are a must have.
How fun!!! I feel the same way!! I sent your sewing machine cover yesterday!! Sorry it took so long - I ended up going out of town for a week with the hubby! I got your camera straps and I will use one and save one for the Blogmania!!!!! Thanks!!
So sweet! How fun. It is so important to spend the time with our kids while they are young. I've really been trying to do that more often and have the attitude well they're not always gonna want to....whatever with us so we should soak it up while we can. They grow up so fast! :)
It scared{not scarred} me to see another example of your poor grammer and spelling{please learn to spellcheck} when you told the story of how
you got on the trampoline yesterday{not yesturday}.
What are you teaching your children~how to spell bad and how to use the worst grammer? Having been an elementary teacher before retiring, to think you are homeschooling your 13 year old~your grammer is I would estimate~around the thrid or fourth grade. You should be learning better grammer just by teaching your oldest.
Maybe you and your husband should discuss your habit of spending so much time worshipping Mckmama and other big bloggers insteading of teaching your children. Please pay close attention to what you are teaching your children and rethink the idea that you are helping them by homeschooling~if your grammer and spelling are an example of your level of education~you really should NOT be teaching them. My last class of 4th graders could spell and use much better grammer than you show on here.
Dear Broken Angel Wings (two words not one),
I know this is not the place to start an all out war but I feel that I must address your obvious attack on here.
I'm not sure who gave you the Grammer hat and appointed you the Language Witch but obviously you didn't show up when they handed out the side of kindness, couth or compassion. Seems that you have all the "knowledge" and none of the wisdom.
I do not know Mrs. Petrie. I have never met her, emailed her or talked to her on the phone. I do not know the state she lives in or if she drinks coffee or tea. I read her blog because she is dealing with Army life. For her, writing is her outlet and a way to keep her husband close. I respect that because I am also an Army wife. The feelings of emptiness and silence are ones I understand and can relate to.
I do not know you. I have never met you, emailed you or talked to you in person (a fact that I will thank God for tonight when I say my prayers). I don't know the state you live in or if you drink coffee or tea. What I do know is that you are miserable person and that I really don't WANT to know anything about you.
If you don't like what Mrs. Petrie writes perhaps you should stop reading. Move on to another blog. Take your misery somewhere else. In other words, "Get Lost". I'm pretty sure that she's not writing it for you anyway. You don't have to like it but how about you realize that it is not really about you anyway.
Anyone can teach 4th grade grammer. The hard lessons are the ones that can't be learned in a book. Obviously those are the ones that you have never learned. In that arena, I have no doubt that Mrs. Petrie knows far more than you ever will.
Now go away and leave the Army family alone because even when we are alone, we are all in this together. And that's probably another lesson that you have yet to learn.
Mrs. Petrie,
I replied to broken angelwings. I know I probably shouldn't have but I was so angry when I read what she had wrote. Feel free to delete my reply if you wish. I won't be offended.
It seems sadly appropriate that in this attack you made on another for spelling and grammar ... you misspelled *third.*
I think Lucky Dimes has written an excellent response and I will not reiterate what she has written but I will comment on another aspect of your attack ... an attack on home schooling. I spent 20+ years as a home educator and know something about Christian home school families that you have apparently not discovered. We choose to home educate our children for many reasons but primary among them is to nurture and develop their character as well as their minds! We are not perfect ... just called! It makes it harder when we are attacked by people who are not in possession of all the facts but we persevere because we are home schooling to please God and to raise responsible adults of strong character. We are not making this life style choice and sacrifice of time and energy for your approval!
Oh Pam! I LOVE that you did that with her! (And glad you didn't get hurt!) What precious memories you made for both of you!
I did likewise! :)
You're bashing her for her spelling errors when you yourself can't even spell grammar correctly? Hello, Pot? Meet Kettle..
P.S- "insteading" isn't a word. Maybe YOU should learn how to use spell check, also. See the space between "spell" and "check"?
I believe what concerns me the most about your response is that you spelled the word "grammar" (the topic of your rant) incorrectly each time you used it. When correcting others on their spelling/grammar, you might want to make sure yours is accurate before posting.
When I write on my blog.. I prefer to pour out my feelings and thoughts.. I am not writing an essay. I tend to put dots at the end of my sentences... I find it sad that this happened to you. I love your writings, you are an encouragement to me!
One good thing about such a bad comment.. is you can see all the love from your readers pouring out on here. :-)
When your daughter is an adult, I bet she'll have these pictures tucked away somewhere as a reminder. You're an awesome mom- not many would get out there on the trampoline like that.
The scary thing is, you have an issue with spelling and you claimed to teach a whole class of fourth graders...hopefully they learned their grammAr!
Seriously? Do you have nothing better to do than bash someone's blog? What a sad life you must lead.
Oh Pam! Fret not. You're wonderful and kudos to you for getting on that trampoline! I bet you made your kids' day today.
As a side note, one of the most respected teachers I work with has no spelling ability. Does that make her less of an effective teacher? Absolutely not. You keep on keeping on!
the picks are great. Your having fun with your kids... thats all that matters =)
What fun! I love what a great mommy you are!
I also love that you can laugh at the misspelling grammar police troll who chose your blog today! Hahaha! Perhaps that person should spend more time on their spelling and less time bashing bloggers they don't know? heehee
How fun!! Your children will not only love that you did this, but that you have picture proof! And your teeth do NOT look green!! {grin}
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Your grammar and spelling need some work also. People should take a long hard look in the mirror before they put others down. I always tell my children that unless you are perfect (which nobody is) then you should not to judge anyone else.
Stopping by to spread some love. You so rocked that trampoline, you go girl!
It is precious that your daughter enjoys playing with you! Those moments are fleeting... I need to remember to take advantage of each and every one of them!
Wow, that was rude! First off, I spotted 3 grammatical errors in your disrespectful comment and 1 misspelling. I also noticed incorrect use of punctuation about 4 times. Hmmm, sounds like he who is without sin may cast the first stone. Maybe instead of making others feel inadequate for their shortcomings, you should be working toward becoming better at those things yourself.
If it is the case that you don't like this blog or what this author reads it may be a good time to stop reading it and let this author and her opinions alone.
Don't you love how how some people are "experts" in a certain area...only to TOTALLY blow their cover with their own glaring mistakes?
She who calls herself a "retired teacher" is most likely a miserable person hell bent on bringing someone down with her. I'm guessing there is NO teaching in her background whatsoever. Hold your head high Pam, you're awesome!
you are so cute jumping on the trampoline with your kiddos! so sorry about the meanie who commented. you have all your blog friends who quickly intervened on your that's some love! =)
Oh dear broken angel wings, I guess you weren't a very good elementary teacher were you?
As many have pointed out - it's grammar. Not grammer.
"How to spell bad" should be "how to spell badly" or better, "incorrectly."
3rd is spelled third. Not thrid.
When putting a dash between words - use the spacebar as I have. Don't just smoosh it all together.
Your grammar is - I would estimate - around the second grade. You should be learning better grammar just by correcting other blogs. If your grammar and spelling are an example of your level of education - you really should NOT be correcting others.
Pam - you are a terrific Mom and a great homeschooling teacher...shame on that troll! Love you! Connie (P31 group)
Blogz ure surposed tow bee abot ur live nad knot sew serous! How do you like this your rudeness???
I love, love, LOVE that you jumped on the trampoline with your children like that!! They will certainly file that wonderful memory away for years to come.
Good on you, sweet girl. Be blessed today :-)
I suppose it is easy to jugde another when just looking at the surface. A misspelled word, an incorrect syntax, even an incomplete though for all the world to see. What you obviously don't see is my dear friend Pam. My fellow Army wife, homeschool warrior, Godly servant, give her life for her kids mom. The Pam who always has a house full of kids because she is babysitting for free (again). The boy scout/ heritage girls mom who is again organizing half of the troops activities. The homeschool mom so beloved by her homeschool cover families that we still don't know what we are going to do without her this year. The friend who lent me her ear as my 3 sons were diagnosed with autism. The fellow mom of an angel baby who cried with me when my babies died before they took a breath. The one who is always at your door with a hot meal and a homemade card when someone is sick. The wive who not only organizes care packages for her deployed husband, but mine too. The mom who would lay down her life for her kids, but at times struggles with feelings of being inadiquite. The home educator who spends a dear chunk of the family budget on curriculum for her kids because who among us is an expert in everything. The woman who has the deepest heart for God and desire to serve him than most of the people I know. I suppose it is easy to tear apart a person who types and posts faster than she edits, but if you examined a little closer you might discover a few things more important than spell check.
You are a mean spirited person to write such a reply. You may be a teacher, but your spelling is worse. If you have nothing nice to say, zip it!!!!
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