Not Me Monday is amazing and I wish I had kept a better list the last couple of weeks. Today I am going to just list a few of the funny things.
This week my son did not make this statement in a new church "these people are country". Because I have taught him better.
My husband did not set our GPS to avoid tolls and forget to tell me causing me to drive a extra 90 minutes out of my way. Not my husband because he knows I am not smart about these things and listen to the GPS even when I know it is wrong.
I did not find my Diva cup in the middle of my livingroom floor yesterday. Because for one I never have anything lying in my floor and second I do not still have these kittens that emptied my purse and played with the contents.
It was not me who had a kitten urinate on me through my livingroom and into the kitchen. Because one I do not still have these kittens and two kittens surely do not have to be potty trained like a 2 year old little boy. I did not wish we had a video camera running while this happened.
When visiting a new church recently my son did not learn who lady ga ga was. Never would they discuss this and then tell him about this person when he obviously did not know who it was. He also did not learn what a "titty bar" was recently. I protect my children better than this.
I am not tempted to cut up one of my husband uniforms to make a cute dress for my daughter. not me because these are super expensive and that would be a waste
When we were on vacation I did not run out one morning to pick up breakfast through a drive through and then realize I was almost out of gas and have to stop to get gas. Not me because I would never run out in pajamas.
I do not text while driving so it was not me who wrote Hello VIRGINS on facebook and twitter and not realize it for hours. My phone did not auto correct hello virgina to hello Virgins.
Because I am young and in shape it is not me who can not longer sneak up on her children because my bones crack and pop when I walk down the hallway.
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to < target="_blank" href="http://www.mycharmingkids.net">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
You have me rolling with what has NOT happened in your neighborhood lately! I should write all of mine down because I always forget by the time Monday rolls around.
LOL!!!! That's awesome!!! Especially the Hello Virgins!! Hahahahahaha!!!
LOL..... too funny! I would totally be the one to write "Hello Virgins" on my facebook page :)......cracking me up!
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