Dear Rob,
I love you so much! I hope when you come home I tell you I love you as much as I do now. I sometimes feel like a fake because I know I do not always speak this nice to you when your home. Something I plan on changing.
We had a good day. We got up and did morning chores. I got all the laundry put away and the kitchen cleaned.
My eye is still wonky but the sore I saw last night is gone. It was so weird today because I had blurry vision several times. I was scared to drive.
I did have to drive though because I had to take Michael to the doctor. They were super nice and did not even give me a hard time when I told them how Michael got the infection in his leg. I have to be honest and say I really wanted them to say something to make Michael stop picking or at least make us put yucky medicine on his sores but they did not. She looked at it and told me leave it uncovered unless he was doing something to get it dirty. She put him on antibiotics and on allergy meds.
After setting at the pharmacy for what seemed like forever we got lost on post looking for the war museum. It was worth it. I wish the kids had taken more time to read what they were looking at.
We picked up pizza on the way home. It was honestly kinda of cute because when we walked in pizza hut Grace was sad because we were not eating in there. When we came back to pick up the pizza the manager handed her a box of cinnamon sticks and said it was to make her day better. Normally she shares everything but she refuses to share these and I am not making her. There are 12 in the box and she had 6 of them for dinner.
I think I will make cinnamon sticks for breakfast or at least cinnamon rolls.
We are not doing a lot tomorrow. I think I am taking my mom to aloha zoo. Maybe we will run back to the thrift shop if we are not too hot.
I love you babe and can’t believe it time to start counting down the days until you are back in my arms. I got three letters from you today and my anniversary card which I did NOT open although I wanted to.
Oh yeah, we got our rent check in today. Love you babe,

I love these posts! They are always so honest and cute and sweet and endearing.
thank you, i worry everyone will get tired of them. but my husband really looks forward to them.
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