Dear Rob,
I love you and can’t believe we talked for almost a hour today. WOW almost an entire hour. I thought we had my e-mail working but it will not let me send. I did get the 900 messages deleted. Thank you. I am counting the days until you are home and just look at my laptop and it obeys.
We have had a wonderful relaxing day. We dropped mom off and came home and did NOTHING, a big fat NOTHING. The house is a wreck and I do not mind. We had leftovers for lunch and dinner. I even drove by Krispy Kreme without stopping.
Grace cried when we left my mom and cried a couple of times today. Hope did not want mom to leave. Honestly she did hair detail all week so I would love it if she stayed around.
Michael’s leg looks better. He has not been picking at it today and that helps.
Can you believe we are almost down to counting days instead of months? I cannot believe it. The girls are planning the biggest party. Be glad they do not have endless cash or the whole world would be here. Hope reminded me today that we have to bring you a Diet Pepsi when we pick you up.
I am sorry about the camel pictures yesterday. I thought it was funny. I will post real zoo pictures in the next couple of days. Do you even see camels where you are now?
I would love to talk but it is Sunday night and you know what that means. No really I am just ready for bed. I am going to work on getting caught up on pictures this week on the blog.
I love you babe,
What a sweet letter. I love reading your letters. They are so sweet and full of love.
900 emails? Why did you have to delete them? And that's so exciting that you are getting so close now!
alicia @ a beautiful mess
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