My baby girl. Faith turned 9 today. Faith is such a special girl. I wanted to tell you a little about her pregnancy. At 6 weeks they told me she was not viable and I should have a D&C. I said NO, for 2 weeks I would go in for blood work and for two weeks they would tell me she was not growing and this was not a viable pregnancy. Finally one day her numbers doubled and we were okay. We found out we were pregnant when we were still living in Germany. At 20 weeks I went in for the ultrasound everyone looks forward to, the one that says if you are having a boy or a girl. I found out it was a girl and could not be more thrilled. But that afternoon I got the phone call. Rob was in the field and they called and said there was something wrong with your cord and you would not survive to 28 weeks. I will never forget that day. I will tell you more about that day later. They sent us to vandy for a special ultrasound and tried to convince us to have a amnio. I said NO. we were told you would be born, that as soon as you stopped growing they would deliver you. So for the next 15 weeks I went to the dr twice a week for ultrasounds and non stress test. They said you would probably be born with one kidney and with downs. On June 21, 2000 you were born. I went to the DR that morning and they said you had stopped growing and it was time. You were born weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces. They questioned rather we had the right due date because you were so large for a 35 week. We just laughed because we knew your growth came from God. I will never forget taking you in for a ultra sound to make sure you had both of your kidneys.
Today you are a happy healthy girl. Faith loves to sing and dance and play dress
Awe happy birthday Faith!
What an incredible story! God is sooo good!!!
Awwww! Happy Birthday Faith! It's a good thing your mommy knows a thing or two and had...Faith. So touching.
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