. I thought it gave me a good excuse to say hello and tell you what is going on. We are still waiting on my hero to get home. I will not tell you when he is coming home but I will say August is going to be the best month of the year. Okay so that was silly, I guess you know that means he will be home in August.
I am beyond excited to see him. While this has been our shortest deployment it has definitly been the lonliest.
I will be honest and say as much as I look forward to my hero coming home I am very nervous. It is really easy to be a great wife when your hero is away. Then he comes home and there are changes in the house and he has to go right back to work. Please pray for our family that we will get to know each other again. That the children will accept daddy as daddy. That he will be able to fix both lawnmowers (sorry just had to say it).
We are hoping to go away for a couple of days during block leave and leave our children with our parents. We have never left the kids over night with our parents. I am counting the days to be able to set and talk to my husband, to smooch without someone saying "OOH YOUR SMOOCHING". Please pray that nothing will get in our way. That the children will enjoy there visit with grandparents.
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I think that the coming home part is the hardest. After Drew's first deployment, we literallly fought like cats and dogs. I think knowing that it is REALLY hard when they come home helped us the second go 'round. I'll definitely be praying for a smooth transition back into "normalacy."
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