Faith had a friend over this week. The plan was to go to the zoo but we have had constant rain. So I thought we could work on crafts. I saw on a blog a easy way to make soap with toys in it. I got very excited. It looked super easy. All I had to buy was glycerin soap. No problem, I can do that. So the girls and I went to hobby lobby (did you know when you take 3 girls to hobby lobby they can each use a 40% off coupon). Picked up the glycerin soap and a few other things.
So yesterday I decided I would try it. I melted the soap down. After it melted I realized it was white. Okay so now I know we cannot put toys in it. So I have another brilliant idea. How about adding food coloring so it at least looks cute. Maybe you have caught on faster than me. But it took me until the soap had hardened to remember that if my children are washing with blue soap then they are going to be BLUE. Some days I am just a goober. I did make amazing play dough, but I will show that another day.
Sorry to hear your soap idea didn't quite pan out, but at least you have some play dough now. I have never heard of soap with toys in it.
Thanks for stopping by! Your blog is so eye-catching, one of the best I've ever seen. I love how clean the design is and your colors and your header picture. AND you helped me find a major spelling error in my post today! How great is THAT?!
Me really, Have you read how many negative comments I get about my grammar and spelling errors
I will make the real stuff next week, it is the coolest thing ever. i can't believe you have not seen it before. If i ever see it again I will buy it and give away on my blog
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